Adding 3D models to a website can be tricky. 3D models ideally will be shown in
a viewer that can work responsively on all browsers - from smartphones, to
desktop, to new head-mounted displays. The viewer should support progressive
enhancement for performance, rendering quality and use cases on all devices
ranging from older, lower-powered smartphones to newer devices that support
augmented reality. It should stay up to date with current technologies. It
should be performant and accessible. However, building such a viewer requires
specialty 3D programming skills, and can be a challenge for web developers that
want to host their own models instead of using a third-party hosting service.
To help with that, we're introducing the <model-viewer> web component which
lets you declaratively add a 3D model to a web page, while hosting the model on
your own site. The web component supports responsive design and use cases like
augmented reality on some devices, and we're adding features for accessibility,
rendering quality, and interactivity. The goal of the component is making it
easy to add 3D models to your website without being on top of the latest changes
in the underlying technology and platforms.
What is a web component?
A web component is a custom HTML element built from standard web platform
features. A web component behaves for all intents and purposes like a standard
element. It has a unique tag, it can have properties and methods, and it can
fire and respond to events. In short, you don't need to know anything special to
use it. In this article, I will show you some things that are particular to
What can <model-viewer> do?
More specifically, what can it do now? I'll show you its current capabilities.
You'll get Is a great experience today, and ` will get better
over time as we add new features and improve rendering quality. The examples
I've provided are just to give you a sense of what it does. If you want to try
them there are installation and usage instructions in its GitHub
Basic 3D models
Embedding a 3D model is as simple as the markup below. By
using gltf files, we've ensured that this component will work on any major
<model-viewer src="assets/Astronaut.gltf" alt="A 3D model of an astronaut">
To see in action, check out our demo hosted on
Glitch. The code we have so far looks
something like this png.
By adding two attributes, I can also make the model rotate and allow users to
control it.
Poster image/delayed loading
Some 3D models can be very large, so you might want to hold off loading them
until the user has requested the model. For this, the component has a built-in
means of delaying loading until the user wants it.
To show your users that it's a 3D model, and not just an image, you can provide
some preload animation by using script to switch between multiple posters.
The component handles some types of responsive design, scaling for both mobile
and desktop. It can also manage multiple instances on a page and uses
Intersection Observer
to conserve battery power and GPU cycles when a model isn't visible.
There are a few things that make Trusted Web Activities different from other
ways to integrate web content with your app:
Content in a Trusted Web activity is trusted -- the app and the site it
opens are expected to come from the same developer. (This is verified using
Digital Asset Links.)
Trusted Web activities come from the web: they're rendered by the user's
browser, in exactly the same way as a user would see it in their browser
except they are run fullscreen. Web content should be accessible and useful
in the browser first.
Browsers are also updated independent of Android and your app -- Chrome, for
example, is available back to Android Jelly Bean. That saves on APK size and
ensures you can use a modern web runtime. (Note that since Lollipop, WebView
has also been updated independent of Android, but there are a significant
number of
pre-Lollipop Android users.)
The host app doesn't have direct access to web content in a Trusted Web
activity or any other kind of web state, like cookies and localStorage.
Nevertheless, you can coordinate with the web content by passing data to and
from the page in URLs (e.g. through query parameters, custom HTTP headers,
and intent URIs.)
Transitions between web and native content are between activities. Each
activity (i.e. screen) of your app is either completely provided by the web,
or by an Android activity
To make it easier to test, there are currently no qualifications for content
opened in the preview of Trusted Web activities. You can expect, however, that
Trusted Web activities will need to meet the same
Add to Home Screen
requirements. You can audit your site for these requirements using the
Lighthouse "user can be prompted to Add to Home
screen" audit.
Today, if the user's version of Chrome doesn't support Trusted Web activities,
Chrome will fall back to a simple toolbar using a Custom Tab. It
is also possible for other browsers to implement the same protocol that Trusted
Web activities use. While the host app has the final say on what browser gets
opened, we recommend the same policy as for Custom Tabs: use the user's default
browser, so long as that browser provides the required capabilities.
Getting started
Setting up a Trusted Web Activity (TWA) doesn’t require developers to author
Java code, but Android Studio is
required. This guide was created using Android Studio 3.3. Check the docs on
how to install it.
Create a Trusted Web Activity Project
When using Trusted Web Activities, the project must target API 16 or higher.
Note: This section will guide you on setting up a new project on Android
Studio. If you are already familiar with the tool feel free to skip to the
Getting the TWA Library section.
Open Android Studio and click on Start a new Android Studio project.
Android Studio will prompt to choose an Activity type. Since TWAs use an
Activity provided by support library, choose Add No Activity and click
Next step, the wizard will prompt for configurations for the project. Here's a
short description of each field:
Name: The name that will be used for your application on the
Android Launcher.
Package Name: An unique identifier for Android Applications on the
Play Store and on Android devices. Check the
for more information on requirements and best practices for creating package
names for Android apps.
Save location: Where Android Studio will create the project in the file
Language: The project doesn't require writing any Java or Kotlin code.
Select Java, as the default.
Minimum API Level: The Support Library requires at least API Level 16.
Select API 16 any version above.
Leave the remaining checkboxes unchecked, as we will not be using Instant Apps
or AndroidX artifacts, and click Finish.
Get the TWA Support Library
To setup the TWA library in the project you will need to edit a couple of
files. Look for the Gradle Scripts section in the Project Navigator. Both
files are called build.gradle, which may be a bit confusing, but the
descriptions in parenthesis help identifying the correct one.
The first file is the Project level build.gradle. Look for the one with
your project name next to it.
Add the Jitpack configuration (in bold below) to the
list of repositories. Under the allprojects section:
Android Studio will prompt to synchronize the project. Click on the Sync Now
Note: The support library for Trusted Web Activities will be part of
Jetpack in the future, and
the previous step won’t be required anymore.
The second file we need to change is the Module level build.gradle.
The Trusted Web Activities library uses
Java 8 features
and the first change enables Java 8. Add a compileOptions section to the
bottom of the android section, as below:
On the Project Navigator, expand the app section, followed by the
manifests and double click on AndroidManifest.xml to open the file.
Since we asked Android Studio not to add any Activity to our project when
creating it, the manifest is empty and contains only the application tag.
Add the TWA Activity by inserting an activity tag into the application tag:
<manifest xmlns:android=""
<!-- Edit android:value to change the url opened by the TWA -->
android:value="" />
<!-- This intent-filter adds the TWA to the Android Launcher -->
<action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />
This intent-filter allows the TWA to handle Intents to open
<action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW"/>
<category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE"/>
<!-- Edit android:host to handle links to the target URL-->
The tags added to the XML are standard
Android App Manifest.
There are two relevant pieces of information for the context of Trusted Web
The meta-data tag tells the TWA Activity which URL it should open. Change
the android:value attribute with the URL of the PWA you want to open. In
this example, it is
The secondintent-filter tag allows the TWA to intercept Android
Intents that open The android:host attribute
inside the data tag must point to the domain being opened by the TWA.
Note: When running the project at this stage, the URL Bar from Custom Tabs will
still show on the top of the screen. This is not a bug.
The next section will show how to setup
Digital AssetLinks
to verify relationship between the website and the app, and remove the URL bar.
Remove the URL bar
Trusted Web Activities require an association between the Android application
and the website to be established to remove the URL bar.
Change the contents for the site attribute to match the schema and domain
opened by the TWA.
Back in the Android App Manifest file, AndroidManifest.xml, link to the
statement by adding a new meta-data tag, but this time as a child of the
application tag:
We have now established a relationship from the Android application to the
website. It is helpful to debug this part of the relationship without creating
the website to application validation.
Here’s how to test this on a development device:
Enable debug mode
Open Chrome on the development device, navigate to chrome://flags, search
for an item called Enable command line on non-rooted devices and change it
to ENABLED and then restart the browser.
Next, on the Terminal application of your operating system, use the
Android Debug Bridge
(installed with Android Studio), and run the following command:
Close Chrome and re-launch your application from Android Studio. The
application should now be shown in full-screen.
Note: It may needed to force close Chrome so it restarts with the correct
command line. Go to Android Settings > Apps & notifications > Chrome,
and click on Force stop.
Establish an association from the website to the app
There are 2 pieces of information that the developer needs to collect from the
app in order to create the association:
Package Name: The first information is the package name for the app. This
is the same package name generated when creating the app. It can also be found
inside the Modulebuild.gradle, under
Gradle Scripts > build.gradle (Module: app), and is the value of the
applicationId attribute.
SHA-256 Fingerprint: Android applications must be signed in order to be
uploaded to the Play Store. The same signature is used to establish the
connection between the website and the app through the SHA-256 fingerprint of
the upload key.
With both pieces of information at hand, head over to the assetlinks
fill-in the fields and hit Generate Statement. Copy the generated statement
and serve it from your domain, from the URL /.well-known/assetlinks.json.
Note: The AssetLinks file must be under /.well-known/assetlinks.json, at the
root of the domain, as that's only the place Chrome will look for it.
Wrapping Up
With the assetlinks file in place in your domain and the asset_statements tag
configured in the Android application, the next step is generating a signed app.
Again, the steps for this are widely
The output APK can be installed into a test device, using adb:
adb install app-release.apk
If the verification step fails it is possible to check for error
messages using the Android Debug Bridge, from your OS’s terminal and with the
test device connected.
As developers, we are often faced with decisions that will affect the entire
architecture of our applications. One of the core decisions web developers must
make is where to implement logic and rendering in their application. This can be
a difficult, since there are a number of different ways to build a website.
Our understanding of this space is informed by our work in Chrome talking to
large sites over the past few years. Broadly speaking, we would encourage
developers to consider server rendering or static rendering over a full
rehydration approach.
In order to better understand the architectures we’re choosing from when we make
this decision, we need to have a solid understanding of each approach and
consistent terminology to use when speaking about them. The differences between
these approaches help illustrate the trade-offs of rendering on the web through
the lens of performance.
SSR: Server-Side Rendering - rendering a client-side or universal app to
HTML on the server.
CSR: Client-Side Rendering - rendering an app in a browser, generally
using the DOM.
Rehydration: “booting up” JavaScript views on the client such that they
reuse the server-rendered HTML’s DOM tree and data.
Prerendering: running a client-side application at build time to capture
its initial state as static HTML.
TTFB: Time to First Byte - seen as the time between clicking a link and
the first bit of content coming in.
FP: First Paint - the first time any pixel gets becomes visible to the
FCP: First Contentful Paint - the time when requested content (article
body, etc).
TTI: Time To Interactive - the time at which a page becomes interactive
(events wired up, etc).
Server Rendering
Server rendering generates the full HTML for a page on the server in response
to navigation. This avoids additional round-trips for data fetching and
templating on the client, since it’s handled before the browser gets a
Server rendering generally produces a fast First Paint (FP) and First
Contentful Paint (FCP). Running page logic and rendering on the server makes it
possible to avoid sending lots of JavaScript to the client, which helps achieve
a fast Time to Interactive (TTI). This makes sense, since with server
rendering you’re really just sending text and links to the user’s browser. This
approach can work well for a large spectrum of device and network conditions,
and opens up interesting browser optimizations like streaming document parsing.
With server rendering, users are unlikely to be left waiting for CPU-bound
JavaScript to process before they can use your site. Even when third-party JS
can’t be avoided, using server rendering to reduce your own first-party JS
costs can give you more "budget" for the rest. However, there is one primary
drawback to this approach: generating pages on the server takes time, which can
often result in a slower Time to First Byte (TTFB).
Whether server rendering is enough for your application largely depends on what
type of experience you are building. There is a longstanding debate over the
correct applications of server rendering versus client-side rendering, but it’s
important to remember that you can opt to use server rendering for some pages
and not others. Some sites have adopted hybrid rendering techniques with
success. Netflix server-renders its relatively static landing pages, while
prefetching the JS for interaction-heavy pages, giving these heavier
client-rendered pages a better chance of loading quickly.
Many modern frameworks, libraries and architectures make it possible to render
the same application on both the client and the server. These techniques can be
used for Server Rendering, however it’s important to note that architectures
where rendering happens both on the server and on the client are their own
class of solution with very different performance characteristics and tradeoffs.
React users can use renderToString() or solutions built atop it like Next.js
for server rendering. Vue users can look at Vue’s server rendering guide or
Nuxt. Angular has Universal. Most popular solutions employ some form of
hydration though, so be aware of the approach in use before selecting a tool.
Static Rendering
Static rendering
happens at build-time and offers a fast First Paint, First Contentful Paint and
Time To Interactive - assuming the amount of client-side JS is limited. Unlike
Server Rendering, it also manages to achieve a consistently fast Time To First
Byte, since the HTML for a page doesn’t have to be generated on the fly.
Generally, static rendering means producing a separate HTML file for each URL
ahead of time. With HTML responses being generated in advance, static renders
can be deployed to multiple CDNs to take advantage of edge-caching.
Solutions for static rendering come in all shapes and sizes. Tools like Gatsby
are designed to make developers feel like their application is being rendered
dynamically rather than generated as a build step. Others like Jekyl and
Metalsmith embrace their static nature, providing a more template-driven
One of the downsides to static rendering is that individual HTML files must be
generated for every possible URL. This can be challenging or even infeasible
when you can't predict what those URLs will be ahead of time, or for sites with
a large number of unique pages.
React users may be familiar with Gatsby, Next.js static export or Navi -
all of these make it convenient to author using components. However, it’s
important to understand the difference between static rendering and
prerendering: static rendered pages are interactive without the need to execute
much client-side JS, whereas prerendering improves the First Paint or First
Contentful Paint of a Single Page Application that must be booted on the client
in order for pages to be truly interactive.
If you’re unsure whether a given solution is static rendering or prerendering,
try this test: disable JavaScript and load the created web pages. For
statically rendered pages, most of the functionality will still exist without
JavaScript enabled. For prerendered pages, there may still be some basic
functionality like links, but most of the page will be inert.
Another useful test is to slow your network down using Chrome DevTools, and
observe how much JavaScript has been downloaded before a page becomes
interactive. Prerendering generally requires more JavaScript to get interactive,
and that JavaScript tends to be more complex than the Progressive Enhancement
approach used by static rendering.
Server Rendering vs Static Rendering
Server rendering is not a silver bullet - its dynamic nature can come with
significant compute overhead costs. Many server rendering solutions don't
flush early, can delay TTFB or double the data being sent (e.g. inlined state
used by JS on the client). In React, renderToString() can be slow as it's
synchronous and single-threaded. Getting server rendering "right" can involve
finding or building a solution for component caching, managing memory
consumption, applying memoization techniques, and many other concerns. You're
generally processing/rebuilding the same application multiple times - once on
the client and once in the server. Just because server rendering can make
something show up sooner doesn't suddenly mean you have less work to do.
Server rendering produces HTML on-demand for each URL but can be slower than
just serving static rendered content. If you can put in the additional leg-work,
server rendering + HTML caching can massively reduce server render time. The
upside to server rendering is the ability to pull more "live" data and respond
to a more complete set of requests than is possible with static rendering. Pages
requiring personalization are a concrete example of the type of request that
would not work well with static rendering.
Server rendering can also present interesting decisions when building a PWA.
Is it better to use full-page service worker caching, or just server-render
individual pieces of content?
Client-Side Rendering (CSR)
Client-side rendering (CSR) means rendering pages directly in the browser using
JavaScript. All logic, data fetching, templating and routing are handled on the
client rather than the server.
Client-side rendering can be difficult to get and keep fast for mobile. It can
approach the performance of pure server-rendering if doing minimal work, keeping
a tight JavaScript budget and delivering value in as few RTTs as possible.
Critical scripts and data can be delivered sooner using HTTP/2 Server Push or
<link rel=preload>, which gets the parser working for you sooner. Patterns
like PRPL are worth evaluating in order to ensure initial and subsequent
navigations feel instant.
The primary downside to Client-Side Rendering is that the amount of JavaScript
required tends to grow as an application grows. This becomes especially
difficult with the addition of new JavaScript libraries, polyfills and
third-party code, which compete for processing power and must often be processed
before a page’s content can be rendered. Experiences built with CSR that rely on
large JavaScript bundles should consider aggressive code-splitting, and be
sure to lazy-load JavaScript - "serve only what you need, when you need it". For
experiences with little or no interactivity, server rendering can represent a
more scalable solution to these issues.
For folks building a Single Page Application, identifying core parts of the User
Interface shared by most pages means you can apply the Application Shell
caching technique. Combined with service workers, this can dramatically improve
perceived performance on repeat visits.
Combining server rendering and CSR via rehydration
Often referred to as Universal Rendering or simply “SSR”, this approach attempts
to smooth over the trade-offs between Client-Side Rendering and Server Rendering
by doing both. Navigation requests like full page loads or reloads are handled
by a server that renders the application to HTML, then the JavaScript and data
used for rendering is embedded into the resulting document. When implemented
carefully, this achieves a fast First Contentful Paint just like Server
Rendering, then “picks up” by rendering again on the client using a technique
called (re)hydration. This is a novel solution, but it can have some
considerable performance drawbacks.
The primary downside of SSR with rehydration is that it can have a significant
negative impact on Time To Interactive, even if it improves First Paint. SSR’d
pages often look deceptively loaded and interactive, but can’t actually respond
to input until the client-side JS is executed and event handlers have been
attached. This can take seconds or even minutes on mobile.
Perhaps you’ve experienced this yourself - for a period of time after it looks
like a page has loaded, clicking or tapping does nothing. This quickly becoming
frustrating... “Why is nothing happening? Why can’t I scroll?”
A Rehydration Problem: One App for the Price of Two
Rehydration issues can often be worse than delayed interactivity due to JS. In
order for the client-side JavaScript to be able to accurately “pick up” where
the server left off without having to re-request all of the data the server used
to render its HTML, current SSR solutions generally serialize the response from
a UI’s data dependencies into the document as script tags. The resulting HTML
document contains a high level of duplication:
As you can see, the server is returning a description of the application’s UI in
response to a navigation request, but it’s also returning the source data used
to compose that UI, and a complete copy of the UI’s implementation which then
boots up on the client. Only after bundle.js has finished loading and executing
does this UI become interactive.
Performance metrics collected from real websites using SSR rehydration indicate
its use should be heavily discouraged. Ultimately, the reason comes down to User
Experience: it's extremely easy to end up leaving users in an “uncanny valley”.
There’s hope for SSR with rehydration, though. In the short term, only using SSR
for highly cacheable content can reduce the TTFB delay, producing similar
results to prerendering. Rehydrating incrementally, progressively, or
partially may be the key to making this technique more viable in the future.
Streaming server rendering and Progressive Rehydration
Server rendering has had a number of developments over the last few years.
Streaming server rendering allows you to send HTML in chunks that the browser
can progressively render as it's received. This can provide a fast First Paint
and First Contentful Paint as markup arrives to users faster. In React, streams
being asynchronous in renderToNodeStream() - compared to synchronous
renderToString - means backpressure is handled well.
Progressive rehydration is also worth keeping an eye on, and something React has
been exploring. With this
approach, individual pieces of a server-rendered application are “booted up”
over time, rather than the current common approach of initializing the entire
application at once. This can help reduce the amount of JavaScript required to
make pages interactive, since client-side upgrading of low priority parts of the
page can be deferred to prevent blocking the main thread. It can also help avoid
one of the most common SSR Rehydration pitfalls, where a server-rendered DOM
tree gets destroyed and then immediately rebuilt - most often because the
initial synchronous client-side render required data that wasn’t quite ready,
perhaps awaiting Promise resolution.
Partial Rehydration
Partial rehydration has proven difficult to implement. This approach is an
extension of the idea of progressive rehydration, where the individual pieces
(components / views / trees) to be progressively rehydrated are analyzed and
those with little interactivity or no reactivity are identified. For each of
these mostly-static parts, the corresponding JavaScript code is then transformed
into inert references and decorative functionality, reducing their client-side
footprint to near-zero.
The partial hydration approach comes with its own issues and compromises. It
poses some interesting challenges for caching, and client-side navigation means
we can't assume server-rendered HTML for inert parts of the application will be
Trisomorphic Rendering
If service workers are an option for you, “trisomorphic” rendering may also be
of interest. It's a technique where you can use streaming server rendering for
initial/non-JS navigations, and then have your service worker take on rendering
of HTML for navigations after it has been installed. This can keep cached
components and templates up to date and enables SPA-style navigations for
rendering new views in the same session. This approach works best when you can
share the same templating and routing code between the server, client page, and
server worker.
Wrapping up...
When deciding on an approach to rendering, measure and understand what your
bottlenecks are. Consider whether static rendering or server rendering can get
you 90% of the way there. It's perfectly okay to mostly ship HTML with minimal
JS to get an experience interactive. Here’s a handy infographic showing the
server-client spectrum:
Thanks to everyone for their reviews and inspiration:
Jeffrey Posnick,
Houssein Djirdeh,
Shubhie Panicker,
Chris Harrelson, and
Sebastian Markbåge
Many keyboards nowadays have keys to control basic media playback functions such
as play/pause, previous and next track. Headsets have them too. Until now,
desktop users couldn’t use these media keys to control audio and video playback
in Chrome. This changes today!
Figure 1.
Keyboard media keys
If user presses the pause key, the active media element playing in Chrome will
be paused and receive a "paused" media event. If the play key is pressed, the
previously paused media element will be resumed and receive a "play" media
event. It works whether Chrome is in foreground or background.
In Chrome OS, Android apps using audio focus will now tell Chrome to pause and
resume audio to create a seamless media experience between websites on Chrome,
Chrome Apps and Android Apps. This is currently supported only on Chrome OS
device running Android P.
In short, it’s a good practice to always listen to these media events and act
video.addEventListener('pause', function() {
// Video is now paused.
// TODO: Let's update UI accordingly.
video.addEventListener('play', function() {
// Video is now playing.
// TODO: Let's update UI accordingly.
But wait, there’s more! With the Media Session API now available on desktop
(it was supported on mobile only before), web developers can handle media
related events such as track changing that are triggered by media keys. The
events previoustrack, nexttrack, seekbackward, and seekforward are
currently supported.
navigator.mediaSession.setActionHandler('previoustrack', function() {
// User hit "Previous Track" key.
navigator.mediaSession.setActionHandler('nexttrack', function() {
// User hit "Next Track" key.
navigator.mediaSession.setActionHandler('seekbackward', function() {
// User hit "Seek Backward" key.
navigator.mediaSession.setActionHandler('seekforward', function() {
// User hit "Seek Forward" key.
Play and pause keys are handled automatically by Chrome. However if the default
behavior doesn't work out for you, you can still set some action handlers for
"play" and "pause" to prevent this.
navigator.mediaSession.setActionHandler('play', function() {
// User hit "Play" key.
navigator.mediaSession.setActionHandler('pause', function() {
// User hit "Pause" key.
Hardware Media Keys support is available on Chrome OS, macOS, and Windows. Linux
will come later.
Note: Setting some media session metadata such as the title, artist, album name,
and artwork with the Media Session API is available but not hooked up to desktop
notifications yet. It will come in supported platforms later.
Thanks to the HDCP Policy Check API, web developers can now query whether a
specific policy, e.g. HDCP requirement, can be enforced before requesting
Widevine licenses, and loading media.
const status = await video.mediaKeys.getStatusForPolicy({ minHdcpVersion: '2.2' });
if (status == 'usable')
console.log('HDCP 2.2 can be enforced.');
The API is available on all platforms. However, the actual policy checks might
not be available on certain platforms. For example, HDCP policy check promise
will reject with NotSupportedError on Android and Android WebView.
Origin Trial for Auto Picture-in-Picture for installed PWAs
Some pages may want to automatically enter and leave Picture-in-Picture for a
video element; for example, video conferencing web apps would benefit from some
automatic Picture-in-Picture behavior when user switches back and forth between
the web app and other applications or tabs. This is sadly not possible with the
user gesture requirement. So here comes Auto Picture-in-Picture!
To support these tab and app switching, a new autopictureinpicture attribute
is added to the <video> element.
<video autopictureinpicture></video>
Here’s roughly how it works:
When document becomes hidden, the video element whose autopictureinpicture
attribute was set most recently automatically enters Picture-in-Picture, if
When document becomes visible, the video element in Picture-in-Picture
automatically leaves it.
And that’s it! Note that the Auto Picture-in-Picture feature applies only to
Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) that users have installed on desktop.
Dogfood: To get feedback from web developers, the Auto Picture-in-Picture
feature is available as an Origin Trial in Chrome 73 for desktop (Chrome OS,
Linux, Mac, and Windows). You will need to request a token, so that the
feature is automatically enabled for your origin for a limited period of time.
This will eliminate the need to enable the "Web Platform Features" flag.
Origin Trial for Skip Ad in Picture-in-Picture window
The video advertisement model usually consists of pre-roll ads. Content
providers often provide the ability to skip the ad after a few seconds. Sadly,
as the Picture-in-Picture window is not interactive, users watching a video in
Picture-in-Picture can’t do this today.
With the Media Session API now available on desktop (it was supported on
mobile only before), a new skipad media session action may be used to offer this
option in Picture-in-Picture.
Figure 2.
"Skip Ad" button in Picture-in-Picture window
To provide this feature pass a function with skipad when calling
setActionHandler(). To hide it pass null. As you can read below, it is
pretty straightforward.
try {
navigator.mediaSession.setActionHandler('skipad', null);
} catch(error) {
// The "Skip Ad" media session action is not supported.
function showSkipAdButton() {
// The Picture-in-Picture window will show a "Skip Ad" button.
navigator.mediaSession.setActionHandler('skipad', onSkipAdButtonClick);
function onSkipAdButtonClick() {
// User clicked "Skip Ad" button, let's hide it now.
navigator.mediaSession.setActionHandler('skipad', null);
// TODO: Stop ad and play video.
Note: Media session action handlers will persist. I’d suggest always reseting
them when media playback starts and ends to avoid showing an unexpected "Skip
Ad" button.
Dogfood: To get feedback from web developers, the Skip Ad in Picture-in-Picture
window feature is available as an Origin Trial in Chrome 73 for desktop
(Chrome OS, Linux, Mac, and Windows). You will need to request a token, so
that the feature is automatically enabled for your origin for a limited period
of time. This will eliminate the need to enable the "Web Platform Features"
Now that Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) are available on all desktop platforms,
we are extending the rule that we had on mobile to desktop: autoplay with
sound is now allowed for installed PWAs. Note that it only applies to pages in
the scope of the web app manifest.
Better match results with String.prototype.matchAll()
Chrome 73 introduces the String.prototype.matchAll() method. It behaves
similarly to match(), but returns an iterator with all regular expression
matches in a global or sticky regular expression. This offers a simple way to
iterate over matches, especially when you need access to capture groups.
What's wrong with match()?
The short answer is nothing, unless you're trying to return global matches with
capturing groups. Here's a programming puzzle for you. Consider the following
Run this in a console and notice that it returns an array containing the
strings 'test1' and 'test2'. If I remove the g flag from the regular
expression what I get has all of my capturing groups, but I only get the first
match. It looks like this:
This string contains a second possible match beginning with 'test2' but I don't
have it. Now here's the puzzle: how do I get all of the capturing groups for
each match? The explainer for the String.prototype.matchAll()
shows two possible approaches. I won't describe them because hopefully you
won't need them much longer.
What would the explainer examples look like with matchAll()? Have a look.
const regex = /t(e)(st(\d?))/g;
const string = 'test1test2';
const matches = string.matchAll(regex);
for (const match of matches) {
There are a few things to note about this. Unlike match() which returns an
array on a global search, matchAll() returns an iterable object that works
beautifully with for...of loops. The iterable object produces an array for
each match, including the capturing groups with a few extras. If you print
these to the console they'll look like this:
You may notice that the value for each match is an array in exactly the same
format returned by match() for non-global regular expressions.
Bonus material
This is mainly for people who are new to regular expressions or who aren't
experts at it. You may have noticed the results of both match() and matchAll()
(for each iteration) are arrays with some additional named properties. While
preparing this article, I noticed that these properties have some documentation
deficiencies on MDN (which
I've fixed).
Here's a quick description.
The index of the first result in the original string. In the above example test2 starts at position 5 hence index has the value 5.
The complete string that matchAll() was run against. In my example, that was 'test1test2'.
Contains the results of any named capturing
groups specified in your regular expression.
If I've missed anything please let me know in the comments below. You can read more about recent changes to JavaScript in previous
updates or on the V8 website.
To improve wheel scrolling/zooming performance developers are encouraged to
register wheel and mousewheelevent listeners as
by passing the {passive: true} option to addEventListener(). Registering
the event listeners as passive tells the browser that the wheel listeners will
not call preventDefault() and the browser can safely perform scrolling and
zooming without blocking on the listeners.
The problem is that most often the wheel event listeners are conceptually
passive (do not call preventDefault()) but are not explicitly specified as
such requiring the browser to wait for the JS event handling to finish before
it starts scrolling/zooming even though waiting is not necessary. In Chrome 56
we fixed this issue for touchStart and touchMove
, and that change was later adopted by both Safari and Firefox. As you can see
from the demonstration video we made at that time, leaving the behavior as it
was produced a noticeable delay in scroll response. Now in Chrome 73, we've
applied the same intervention to wheel and mousewheel events.
The Intervention
Our goal with this change is to reduce the time it takes to update the display
after the user starts scrolling by wheel or touchpad without developers needing
to change code. Our metrics show that 75% of the wheel and mousewheel event
listeners that are registered on root targets (window, document, or body) do
not specify any values for the passive option and more than 98% of such
listeners do not call preventDefault(). In Chrome 73 we are changing the
wheel and mousewheel listeners registered on root targets (window,
document, or body) to be passive by default. It means that an event listener
And calling preventDefault() inside the listener will be ignored with the
following DevTools warning:
[Intervention] Unable to preventDefault inside passive event listener due
to target being treated as passive.See
Breakage and Guidance
In the vast majority of cases, no breakage will be observed. Only in rare cases
(less than 0.3% of pages according to our metrics) unintended scrolling/zooming
might happen due to preventDefault() call getting ignored inside the
listeners that are treated as passive by default. Your application can
determine whether it may be hitting this in the wild by checking if calling
preventDefault() had any effect via the defaultPrevented property. The fix
for the affected cases is relatively easy: pass {passive: false} to
addEventListener() to override the default behavior and preserve the event
listener as blocking.
EXPLAIN's output is not guaranteed to be stable over SQLite versions, so
developers cannot rely on it. REINDEX is only useful when collation sequence
definitions change, and Chrome only uses the built-in collation sequences. Both
features are now removed.
Remove isomorphic decoding of URL fragment identifier
When Chrome opens a URL with a fragment id, it decodes %xx and applies
isomorphic-decode to it,
then tries to find an element with the decoding result as an ID in some cases.
For example, if a user opens, Chrome does the following:
It searches the page for an element with id="%F8%C0".
If it’s not found, it searches the page for an element with id="øÀ".
No other browsers do this, and it's not defined by the standard. Starting in
version 73, Chrome no longer does this either.
Deprecate 'drive-by downloads' in sandboxed iframes
Chrome has deprecated downloads in sandboxed iframes that lack a user gesture
('drive-by downloads'), though this restriction could be lifted via an
allow-downloads-without-user-activation keyword in the sandbox attribute list.
This allows content providers to restrict malicious or abusive downloads.
Downloads can bring security vulnerabilities to a system. Even though
additional security checks are done in Chrome and the operating system, we feel
blocking downloads in sandboxed iframes also fits the general thought behind
the sandbox. Apart from security concerns, it would be a more pleasant user
experience for a click to trigger a download on the same page, compared with
downloads started automatically when landing at a new page, or started non
spontaneously after the click.
It has always been possible to create stylesheets using JavaScript. However, the
process has historically been to create a <style> element using
document.createElement('style'), and then access its sheet property to obtain
a reference to the underlying
instance. This method can produce duplicate CSS code and its attendant bloat,
and the act of attaching leads to a flash of unstyled content whether there is
bloat or not. The CSSStyleSheet interface is the root of a collection of CSS
representation interfaces referred to as the
offering a programmatic way to manipulate stylesheets as well as eliminating the
problems associated with the old method.
Constructable Stylesheets make it possible to define and prepare shared CSS
styles, and then apply those styles to multiple Shadow Roots or the Document
easily and without duplication. Updates to a shared CSSStyleSheet are applied to
all roots into which it has been adopted, and adopting a
is fast and synchronous once the sheet has been loaded.
The association set up by Constructable Stylesheets lends itself well to a
number of different applications. It can be used to provide a centralized theme
used by many components: the theme can be a CSSStyleSheet instance passed to
components, with updates to the theme propagating out to components
automatically. It can be used to distribute CSS Custom
Property values to
specific DOM subtrees without relying on the
cascade. It can even
be used as a direct interface to the browser’s CSS parser, making it easy to
preload stylesheets without injecting them into the DOM.
Constructing a StyleSheet
Rather than introducing a new API to accomplish this, the Constructable
StyleSheets specification makes
it possible to create stylesheets imperatively by invoking the CSSStyleSheet()
constructor. The resulting CSSStyleSheet object has two new methods that make it
safer to add and update stylesheet rules without triggering Flash of Unstyled
Content (FOUC).
returns a Promise that resolves once any external references (@imports) are
loaded, whereas
doesn’t allow external references at all:
const sheet = new CSSStyleSheet();
// replace all styles synchronously:
sheet.replaceSync('a { color: red; }');
// this throws an exception:
try {
sheet.replaceSync('@import url("styles.css")');
} catch (err) {
console.error(err); // imports are not allowed
// replace all styles, allowing external resources:
sheet.replace('@import url("styles.css")')
.then(sheet => {
console.log('Styles loaded successfully');
.catch(err => {
console.error('Failed to load:', err);
Using Constructed StyleSheets
The second new feature introduced by Constructable StyleSheets is an
property available on Shadow
and Documents. This
lets us explicitly apply the styles defined by a CSSStyleSheet to a given DOM
subtree. To do so, we set the property to an array of one or more stylesheets to
apply to that element.
// Create our shared stylesheet:
const sheet = new CSSStyleSheet();
sheet.replaceSync('a { color: red; }');
// Apply the stylesheet to a document:
document.adoptedStyleSheets = [sheet];
// Apply the stylesheet to a Shadow Root:
const node =
const shadow = node.attachShadow({ mode: 'open' });
shadow.adoptedStyleSheets = [sheet];
Notice that we’re overriding the value of adoptedStyleSheets instead of
changing the array in place. This is required because the array is frozen;
in-place mutations like push() throw an exception, so we have to assign a new
array. To preserve any existing StyleSheets added via adoptedStyleSheets, we
can use concat to create a new array that includes the existing sheets as well
as additional ones to add:
const sheet = new CSSStyleSheet();
sheet.replaceSync('a { color: red; }');
// Combine existing sheets with our new one:
document.adoptedStyleSheets = [...document.adoptedStyleSheets, sheet];
Putting it All Together
With Constructable StyleSheets, web developers now have an explicit solution for
creating CSS StyleSheets and applying them to DOM trees. We have a new
Promise-based API for loading StyleSheets from a string of CSS source that uses
the browser’s built-in parser and loading semantics. Finally, we have a
mechanism for applying stylesheet updates to all usages of a StyleSheet,
simplifying things like theme changes and color preferences.
The initial version of Constructable Stylesheets is shipping with the API
described here, but there’s work underway to make things easier to use. There’s
a proposal to extend
the adoptedStyleSheets FrozenArray with dedicated methods for inserting and
removing stylesheets, which would obviate the need for array cloning and avoid
potential duplicate stylesheet references.
Replacing a hot path in your app's JavaScript with WebAssembly
It's consistently fast, yo.
In my previousarticles I talked about how WebAssembly
allows you to bring the library ecosystem of C/C++ to the web. One app that
makes extensive use of C/C++ libraries is squoosh, our
web app that allows you compress images with a variety of codecs that have been
compiled from C++ to WebAssembly.
WebAssembly is a low-level virtual machine that runs the bytecode that is stored
in .wasm files. This byte code is strongly typed and structured in such a way
that it can be compiled and optimized for the host system much quicker than
JavaScript can. WebAssembly provides an environment to run code that had
sandboxing and embedding in mind from the very start.
In my experience, most performance problems on the web are caused by forced
layout and excessive paint but every now and then an app needs to do a
computationally expensive task that takes a lot of time. WebAssembly can help
Note: Due to legal concerns, I won’t name any browsers in this article.
The Hot Path
In squoosh we wrote a JavaScript
that rotates an image buffer by multiples of 90 degrees. While
OffscreenCanvas would be ideal for
this, it isn't supported across the browsers we were targeting, and a little
buggy in Chrome.
This function iterates over every pixel of an input image and copies it to a
different position in the output image to achieve rotation. For a 4094px by
4096px image (16 megapixels) it would need over 16 million iterations of the
inner code block, which is what we call a "hot path". Despite that rather big
number of iterations, two out of three browsers we tested finish the task in 2
seconds or less. An acceptable duration for this type of interaction.
One browser, however, takes over 8 seconds. The way browsers optimize JavaScript
is really complicated, and different engines optimize for different things.
Some optimize for raw execution, some optimize for interaction with the DOM. In
this case, we've hit an unoptimized path in one browser.
WebAssembly on the other hand is built entirely around raw execution speed. So
if we want fast, predictable performance across browsers for code like this,
WebAssembly can help.
WebAssembly for predictable performance
In general, JavaScript and WebAssembly can achieve the same peak performance.
However, in JavaScript it's often tricky to stay on the "fast path". One key
benefit that WebAssembly offers is predictable performance, even across
browsers. The strict typing and low-level architecture allows for stronger
assumptions and more optimizations during compilation. The function above is a
prime candidate for WebAssembly. But how do you turn hot path written in
JavaScript into WebAssembly?
Writing for WebAssembly
Previously we took C/C++ libraries and compiled them to WebAssembly to use their
functionality on the web. We didn't really touch the code of the libraries, we
just wrote small amounts of C/C++ code to form the bridge between the browser
and the library. This time our motivation is different: We want to write
something from scratch with WebAssembly in mind so we can make use of the
advantages that WebAssembly has.
WebAssembly architecture
When writing for WebAssembly, it's beneficial to understand a bit more about
what WebAssembly actually is.
WebAssembly (abbreviated Wasm) is a binary instruction format for a
stack-based virtual machine. Wasm is designed as a portable target for
compilation of high-level languages like C/C++/Rust, enabling deployment on
the web for client and server applications.
When you compile a piece of C or Rust code to WebAssembly, you get a .wasm
file that contains a module declaration. This declaration consists of a list of
"imports" the module expects from its environment, a list of exports that this
module makes available to the host (functions, constants, chunks of memory) and
of course the actual binary instructions for the functions contained within.
Something that I didn't realize until I looked into this: The stack that makes
WebAssembly a "stack-based virtual machine" is not stored in the chunk of
memory that WebAssembly modules use. The stack is completely VM-internal and
inaccessible to web developers (except through DevTools). As such it is possible
to write WebAssembly modules that don't need any additional memory at all and
only use the VM-internal stack.
Note: (for the curious) Compilers like Emscripten still use the WebAssembly
memory to implement their own stack. This is necessary so you can access values
anywhere on the stack through constructs like pointers in C, something the
VM-internal stack does not allow. So, somewhat confusingly, when you run C via
WebAssembly, two stacks are in use!
In our case we will need to use some additional memory to allow arbitrary access
to the pixels of our image and generate a rotated version of that image. This is
what WebAssembly.Memory is for.
Memory management
Commonly, once you use additional memory you will find the need to somehow
manage that memory. Which parts of the memory are in use? Which ones are free?
In C, for example, you have the malloc(n) function that finds a memory space
of n consecutive bytes. Functions of this kind are also called "allocators".
Of course the implementation of the allocator in use must be included in your
WebAssembly module and will increase your file size. This size and performance
of these memory management functions can vary quite significantly depending on
the algorithm used, which is why many languages offer multiple implementations
to choose from ("dmalloc", "emmalloc", "wee_alloc",...).
In our case we know the dimensions of the input image (and therefore the
dimensions of the output image) before we run the WebAssembly module. Here we
saw an opportunity: Traditionally, we'd pass the input image's RGBA buffer as a
parameter to a WebAssembly function and return the rotated image as a return
value. To generate that return value we would have to make use of the allocator.
But since we know the total amount of memory needed (twice the size of the input
image, once for input and once for output), we can put the input image into the
WebAssembly memory using JavaScript, run the WebAssembly module to generate a
2nd, rotated image and then use JavaScript to read back the result. We can get
away without using any memory management at all!
Spoiled for choice
If you looked at the original JavaScript
that we want to WebAssembly-fy, you can see that it's a purely computational
code with no JavaScript-specific APIs. As such it should be fairly straight
forward to port this code to any language. We evaluated 3 different languages
that compile to WebAssembly: C/C++, Rust and AssemblyScript. The only question
we need to answer for each of the languages is: How do we access raw memory
without using memory management functions?
Note: I skipped the "boring" parts in the code samples and focused on the actual
hot path and the memory access. The full version of each sample along with the
benchmark can be found in the
C and Emscripten
Emscripten is a C compiler for the WebAssembly target. Emscripten's goal is to
function as a drop-in replacement for well-known C compilers like GCC or clang
and is mostly flag compatible. This is a core part of the Emscripten's mission
as it wants to make compiling existing C and C++ code to WebAssembly as easy as
Accessing raw memory is in the very nature of C and pointers exist for that very
uint8_t* ptr = (uint8_t*)0x124;
ptr[0] = 0xFF;
Here we are turning the number 0x124 into a pointer to unsigned, 8-bit
integers (or bytes). This effectively turns the ptr variable into an array
starting at memory address 0x124, that we can use like any other array,
allowing us to access individual bytes for reading and writing. In our case we
are looking at an RGBA buffer of an image that we want to re-order to achieve
rotation. To move a pixel we actually need to move 4 consecutive bytes at once
(one byte for each channel: R, G, B and A). To make this easier we can create an
array of unsigned, 32-bit integers. By convention, our input image will start
at address 4 and our output image will start directly after the input image
Note: The reason we chose to start at address 4 and not 0 is because address 0
has a special meaning in many languages: It's the dreaded null pointer. While
technically 0 is a perfectly valid address, many languages exclude 0 as a valid
value for pointers and either throw an exception or just tumble into undefined
After porting the entire JavaScript function to C, we can compile the C
with emcc:
As always, emscripten generates a glue code file called c.js and a wasm module
called c.wasm. Note that the wasm module gzips to only ~260 Bytes, while the
glue code is around 3.5KB after gzip. After some fiddling, we were able to ditch
the glue code and instantiate the WebAssembly modules with the vanilla APIs.
This is often possible with Emscripten as long as you are not using anything
from the C standard library.
Note: We are working with the Emscripten team to make the glue code smaller or
even non-existent at times.
Rust is a new, modern programming language with a rich type system, no runtime
and an ownership model that guarantees memory-safety and thread-safety. Rust
also supports WebAssembly as a first-class citizen and the Rust team has
contributed a lot of excellent tooling to the WebAssembly ecosystem.
One of these tools is wasm-pack, by
the rustwasm working group. wasm-pack
takes your code and turns it into a web-friendly module that works
out-of-the-box with bundlers like webpack. wasm-pack is an extremely
convenient experience, but currently only works for Rust. The group is
considering to add support for other WebAssembly-targeting languages.
In Rust, slices are what arrays are in C. And just like in C, we need to create
slices that use our start addresses. This goes against the memory safety model
that Rust enforces, so to get our way we have to use the unsafe keyword,
allowing us to write code that doesn't comply with that model.
Note: This is not a best practice. In our experience it is usually worth it to
use binding mechanisms like embind in Emscripten
or wasm-bindgen for Rust to work at
a higher level.
let imageSize = (inputWidth * inputHeight) as usize;
let inBuffer: &mut [u32];
let outBuffer: &mut [u32];
unsafe {
inBuffer = slice::from_raw_parts_mut::<u32>(4 as *mut u32, imageSize);
outBuffer = slice::from_raw_parts_mut::<u32>((imageSize * 4 + 4) as *mut u32, imageSize);
for d2 in 0..d2Limit {
for d1 in 0..d1Limit {
let in_idx = (d1Start + d1 * d1Advance) * d1Multiplier + (d2Start + d2 * d2Advance) * d2Multiplier;
outBuffer[i as usize] = inBuffer[in_idx as usize];
i += 1;
Compiling the Rust files using
$ wasm-pack build
yields a 7.6KB wasm module with about 100 bytes of glue code (both after gzip).
AssemblyScript is a fairly
young project that aims to be a TypeScript-to-WebAssembly compiler. It's
important to note, however, that it won't just consume any TypeScript.
AssemblyScript uses the same syntax as TypeScript but switches out the standard
library for their own. Their standard library models the capabilities of
WebAssembly. That means you can't just compile any TypeScript you have lying
around to WebAssembly, but it does mean that you don't have to learn a new
programming language to write WebAssembly!
Considering the small type surface that our rotate() function has, it was
fairly easy to port this code to AssemblyScript. The functions load<T>(ptr:
usize) and store<T>(ptr: usize, value: T) are provided by AssemblyScript to
access raw memory. To compile our AssemblyScript
we only need to install the AssemblyScript/assemblyscript npm package and run
AssemblyScript will provide us with a ~300 Bytes wasm module and _no_ glue code.
The module just works with the vanilla WebAssembly APIs.
WebAssembly Forensics
Rust's 7.6KB is surprisingly big when compared to the 2 other languages. There
are a couple of tools in the WebAssembly ecosystem that can help you analyze
your WebAssembly files (regardless of the language the got created with) and
tell you what is going on and also help you improve your situation.
Twiggy is another tool from Rust's
WebAssembly team that extracts a bunch of insightful data from a WebAssembly
module. The tool is not Rust-specific and allows you to inspect things like the
module's call graph, determine unused or superfluous sections and figure out
which sections are contributing to the total file size of your module. The
latter can be done with Twiggy's top command:
$ twiggy top rotate_bg.wasm
In this case we can see that a majority of our file size stems from the
allocator. That was surprising since our code is not using dynamic allocations.
Another big contributing factor is a "function names" subsection.
wasm-strip is a tool from the WebAssembly Binary
Toolkit, or wabt for short. It contains a
couple of tools that allow you to inspect and manipulate WebAssembly modules.
wasm2wat is a disassembler that turns a binary wasm module into a
human-readable format. Wabt also contains wat2wasm which allows you to turn
that human-readable format back into a binary wasm module. While we did use
these two complementary tools to inspect our WebAssembly files, we found
wasm-strip to be the most useful. wasm-strip removes unnecessary sections
and metadata from a WebAssembly module:
$ wasm-strip rotate_bg.wasm
This reduces the file size of the rust module from 7.5KB to 6.6KB (after gzip).
wasm-opt is a tool from Binaryen.
It takes a WebAssembly module and tries to optimize it both for size and
performance based only on the bytecode. Some tools like Emscripten already run
this tool, some others do not. It's usually a good idea to try and save some
additional bytes by using these tools.
wasm-opt -O3 -o rotate_bg_opt.wasm rotate_bg.wasm
With wasm-opt we can shave off another handful of bytes to leave a total of
6.2KB after gzip.
After some consultation and research, we re-wrote our Rust code without using
Rust's standard library, using the
feature. This also disables dynamic memory allocations altogether, removing the
allocator code from our module. Compiling this Rust
yielded a 1.6KB wasm module after wasm-opt, wasm-strip and gzip. While it is
still bigger than the modules generated by C and AssemblyScript, it is small
enough to be considered a lightweight.
Note: According to Twiggy, the main contributor to the file size is core::fmt,
a module that generates turns data into strings (like C's printf()). It is
used by code paths that could trigger an exception as they generate a
human-readable exception messages. Rust's WebAssembly team is aware of this and
is actively working on improvements here.
Before we jump to conclusions based on file size alone — we went on this journey
to optimize performance, not file size. So how did we measure performance and
what were the results?
How to benchmark
Despite WebAssembly being a low-level bytecode format, it still needs to be sent
through a compiler to generate host-specific machine code. Just like JavaScript,
the compiler works in multiple stages. Said simply: The first stage is much
faster at compiling but tends to generate slower code. Once the module starts
running, the browser observes which parts are frequently used and sends those
through a more optimizing but slower compiler.
Our use-case is interesting in that the code for rotating an image will be used
once, maybe twice. So in the vast majority of cases we will never get the
benefits of the optimizing compiler. This is important to keep in mind when
benchmarking. Running our WebAssembly modules 10,000 times in a loop would give
unrealistic results. To get realistic numbers, we should run the module once and
make decisions based on the numbers from that single run.
Note: Ideally, we should have automated this process of reloading the page and
running the module once, and doing that process a large number of times. We
decided that a few manual runs are good enough to make an informed decision
based on those averaged numbers.
Performance comparison
These two graphs are different views onto the same data. In the first graph we
compare per browser, in the second graph we compare per language used. Please
note that I chose a logarithmic timescale. It’s also important that all
benchmarks were using the same 16 megapixel test image and the same host
machine, except for one browser, which could not be run on the same machine.
Without analyzing these graphs too much, it is clear that we solved our original
performance problem: All WebAssembly modules run in ~500ms or less. This
confirms what we laid out at the start: WebAssembly gives you predictable
performance. No matter which language we choose, the variance between browsers
and languages is minimal. To be exact: The standard deviation of JavaScript
across all browsers is ~400ms, while the standard deviation of all our
WebAssembly modules across all browsers is ~80ms.
Another metric is the amount of effort we had to put in to create and integrate
our WebAssembly module into squoosh. It is hard to assign a numeric value to
effort, so I won't create any graphs but there are a few things I would like to
point out:
AssemblyScript was frictionless. Not only does it allow you to use TypeScript to
write WebAssembly, making code-review very easy for my colleagues, but it also
produces glue-free WebAssembly modules that are very small with decent
performance. The tooling in the TypeScript ecosystem, like prettier and tslint,
will likely just work.
Rust in combination with wasm-pack is also extremely convenient, but excels
more at bigger WebAssembly projects were bindings and memory management are
needed. We had to diverge a bit from the happy-path to achieve a competitive
file size.
C and Emscripten created a very small and highly performant WebAssembly module
out of the box, but without the courage to jump into glue code and reduce it to
the bare necessities the total size (WebAssembly module + glue code) ends up
being quite big.
So what language should you use if you have a JS hot path and want to make it
faster or more consistent with WebAssembly. As always with performance
questions, the answer is: It depends. So what did we ship?
Note: Again, please note that both axis are logarithmic and that the x axis
goes to 2000 Bytes, while the y axis goes up to 10 seconds.
Comparing at the module size / performance tradeoff of the different languages
we used, the best choice seems to be either C or AssemblyScript. We decided to
ship Rust. There
are multiple reasons for this decision: All the codecs shipped in Squoosh so far
are compiled using Emscripten. We wanted to broaden our knowledge about the
WebAssembly ecosystem and use a different language in production.
AssemblyScript is a strong alternative, but the project is relatively young and
the compiler isn't as mature as the Rust compiler.
While the difference in file size between Rust and the other languages size
looks quite drastic in the scatter graph, it is not that big a deal in reality:
Loading 500B or 1.6KB even over 2G takes less than a 1/10th of a second. And
Rust will hopefully close the gap in terms of module size soon.
In terms of runtime performance, Rust has a faster average across browsers than
AssemblyScript. Especially on bigger projects Rust will be more likely to
produce faster code without needing manual code optimizations. But that
shouldn't keep you from using what you are most comfortable with.
That all being said: AssemblyScript has been a great discovery. It allows web
developers to produce WebAssembly modules without having to learn a new
language. The AssemblyScript team has been very responsive and is actively
working on improving their toolchain. We will definitely keep an eye on
AssemblyScript in the future.
As performance becomes increasingly important, it's exciting to see browsers
implement new features which give developers more control over resource
loading. Resource Hints such as
give developers more control over resource loading and connections to
cross-origin servers, respectively. Client
expose details of a user's device and preferences that developers can use to
improve performance in nuanced ways. Continuing in this vein, a new
experimental feature known as Priority
Hints is available through an Origin
in Chrome Beta which will allow you to tell the browser how resources should be
Resource priority? What's that?
When a browser downloads a resource, the resource is assigned a priority. By
priorities depend on the type of resource (e.g., script, image, etc.), and
the location of the resource reference in the document. For example in Chrome,
CSS loaded in typical fashion via the <link> element in the <head> will be
assigned a priority of highest, as it blocks rendering. Images in the
viewport may be assigned a priority of high, whereas images outside the
viewport may be assigned a priority of low. A <script> loaded at the
end of the document may receive a priority assignment of medium or low,
but this can be influenced by
Figure 1. A list of resources and their corresponding priorities in the
network panel of DevTools.
For a long time, we've had little control over resource priority beyond
modifying the critical rendering
path until
rel=preload came around. rel=preload changes the discovery order of a
resource by telling the browser about it before the browser would otherwise
find it in due course. At the same time, rel=preload doesn't reprioritize
the resource, but only sets it the default priority for that particular
resource type. Regardless, there are times when browsers prioritize resources
in undesirable ways in specific situations: async scripts may be assumed to be
of low priority when that may not have been the author's intent, images may be
of higher priority than, e.g., non-critical stylesheets, etc. These are the
kind of situations Priority Hints can help developers address.
Using priority hints
Priority Hints can be set for resources in HTML by specifying an importance
attribute on a <script>, <img>, or <link> element (though other
elements such as <iframe> may see support later). An example can be something
like this:
<!-- An image the browser assigns "High" priority, but we don't actually want that. -->
<img src="/images/in_viewport_but_not_important.svg" importance="low" alt="I'm an unimportant image!">
The importance attribute accepts one of three values:
high: The resource may be prioritized, if the browser's own heuristics
don't prevent that from happening.
low: The resource may be _de_prioritized, if the browser's heuristics
auto: Let the browser decide what priority is appropriate for a resource.
This is the default value.
Because <link> elements are affected by the importance attribute, this
means priority can be changed not only for typical stylesheet includes, but
also for rel=preload hints:
<!-- We want to initiate an early fetch for a resource, but also deprioritize it -->
<link rel="preload" href="/js/script.js" as="script" importance="low">
Priority Hints aren't restricted to HTML usage. You can also change the
priority of
requests via the importance option, which takes the same values as
the HTML attribute:
fetch("", {importance: "low"}).then(data => {
// Do whatever you normally would with fetch data
Priority Hints have a slightly different impact depending on your network
stack. With HTTP/1.X, the only way for the browser to prioritize resources is
to delay their requests from going out. As a result, lower priority requests
simply hit the network after high priority ones, assuming that there are higher
priority requests in the queue. If there aren't, the browser may still delay
some low priority requests if it predicts that higher priority requests will
come along soon (e.g., if the document's <head> is still open and rendering
critical resources are likely to be discovered there.
With HTTP/2, the browser may still delay some low-priority requests, but on top
of that, it can also set their resource's stream
priority to a lower level,
enabling the server to better prioritize the resources it is sending down.
Note: Priority Hints in its current form does not affect
<iframe> elements, but may, as the implementation matures. This
could be useful for demoting priority of third party <iframe>s and
their subresources.
So in what circumstances might Priority Hints come in useful? Let's take a look
at some quick use cases and find out!
How can I tell if Priority Hints works?
The easiest way to tell if Priority Hints are working is to load your site,
open the network panel in DevTools, and ensure the Priority column is checked
by right clicking on any of the column headers and potentially enabling it.
Figure 2. The header options context menu in the network panel of DevTools
with the Priority option highlighted.
Once enabled, the priority information for resources will be visible as shown
in Figure 1. From here, pick any resource in the list and look at its priority.
For example, I've chosen a script assigned a low priority in the browser:
Figure 3. A script element listed in DevTools given a low priority.
This script is requested via a <script> tag in the footer and uses the
defer attribute as well, which causes the browser to lower this script's
priority. Let's change that and give it an importance attribute with a value
of high:
When this change is made and deployed, I reload the page and check the value of
the Priority column for the script, which should now be given a higher
Figure 4. A script element listed in DevTools given a high priority.
That's pretty much how it works: If you drop a hint that you would like an
element to be prioritized differently, check that resource's priority value in
DevTools. If it changes, your priority hint did something!
Use cases
Resource priorities are nuanced and fluctuate based on a number of factors
determined by the browser. Once you modify them, the effect can start to become
a little less clear. Let's take a look at a few cases where Priority Hints can
improve performance.
Deprioritizing images
Browsers do their best to assign reasonable priorities for images so that those
in the viewport appear as soon as reasonably possible. In most cases, that's
what you want them to do, but what if some above the fold imagery just isn't as
important as other page resources? Priority Hints may provide a solution for
Here's a common scenario: A carousel of images is at the top of a page with the
first slide visible and the remaining slides invisible. The markup of this
carousel might look something like this:
<ul class="carousel">
<!-- This item is visible, since it's the first. -->
<li class="carousel__item"><img src="img/carousel-1.jpg" alt="I'm a carousel image!"></li>
<!-- The next few, not so much, as they are hidden by CSS, or occluded by other elements. -->
<li class="carousel__item"><img src="img/carousel-2.jpg" alt="I'm a carousel image!"></li>
<li class="carousel__item"><img src="img/carousel-3.jpg" alt="I'm a carousel image!"></li>
<li class="carousel__item"><img src="img/carousel-4.jpg" alt="I'm a carousel image!"></li>
Because of browser heuristics, all four images may be given a high priority
ranking, even though three of them are not initially visible. The browser can't
really know when those image will actually be scrolled into view, so the
cautious thing to do here is to consider them "in the viewport". At the same
time, that may not be the desired outcome from the developer's perspective, as
they know that those images are of lower priority than the async script that
is responsible for making the carousel interactive in the first place.
They could use rel=preload to preload the first image in the carousel, but
doing so may not provide the outcome we expect: Using rel=preload may
effectively prioritize that image above everything else, and if that image is
large, it may block rendering as it will get downloaded before critical
stylesheets or blocking scripts. Priority Hints may be the solution here:
<ul class="carousel">
<!-- We'll let the browser know this image is important: -->
<li class="carousel__item"><img src="img/carousel-1.jpg" alt="I'm a carousel image!" importance="high"></li>
<!-- But we'll set the less-important ones to low priority: -->
<li class="carousel__item"><img src="img/carousel-2.jpg" alt="I'm a carousel image!" importance="low"></li>
<li class="carousel__item"><img src="img/carousel-3.jpg" alt="I'm a carousel image!" importance="low"></li>
<li class="carousel__item"><img src="img/carousel-4.jpg" alt="I'm a carousel image!" importance="low"></li>
When we assign the off-screen images low priority, this will create less
contention between the remaining high priority images and other high priority
Re-prioritizing scripts
The priority of script resource downloads varies wildly in Chrome depending on
the script tag's location in the HTML, and on whether the script is declared as
async or defer. That means that as a developer, when you avoid making your
script a blocking one (which is a known best-practice), you're also implicitly
telling the browser that your script is not that important.
While those heuristics work well for many common cases, they may not work well
for you.
Maybe you're trying to load a critical script, but in a non-blocking way, so
you've made it async to make sure it runs whenever it is available. One
example for that may be a script that's responsible for parts of the page's
interaction, but which shouldn't block rendering.
Alternatively, maybe you have a blocking script at the bottom of the page (as
it relies on running in a specific DOM state), but at the same time, it should
not necessarily run before other async scripts, and therefore can be
There exist various hacks that enable you to work around some of these
heuristics, but Priority Hints enable you to explicitly declare your intention
to the browser and have it do the right thing.
So, if you wanted to prioritize an async script, you could indicate:
Similarly, for a bottom-of-the-page blocking script, you could indicate the
fact that it's less important than other resources, by stating it explicitly:
This may not be a common scenario, but it can happen in modern applications:
Let's say you have a high volume of fetch calls that fire around the same
time. Because fetches are given high priority, they'll contend with one
another (and other high priority requests) if enough of them occur in the same
space of time. What you could do in this scenario is set an importance of
low on fetches for non-critical data:
// Important user data (high by default)
let userData = await fetch("/user");
// Less important content data (explicitly low)
let newsFeedContent = await fetch("/content/news-feed", {importance: "low"});
let suggestedContent = await fetch("/content/suggested", {importance: "low"});
This approach ensures that fetches for critical data won't contend with other
fetches for less important data. This could potentially improve performance
in some scenarios, particularly where bandwidth is low, and the number of
fetch calls is high.
Caveats and conclusion
Now that you've gotten a taste, and you're ready to run out there and start
using Priority Hints: hold on! There's a few things you should be aware of
before you start dropping hints all over the place.
Priority Hints are hints, not instructions
Hint is the key word. When it comes to resource prioritization, the browser
has the final say. Sure, you can slap them on a bunch of elements, and the
browser may do what you're asking it to. Or it may ignore some hints and
decide the default priority is the best choice for the given situation. This
behavior may change as Chrome's implementation matures, so test often!
It's going to take trial and error
Perhaps because Priority Hints are hints rather than instructions, it will
take some trial and error to observe its effects. One useful way of looking at
how Priority Hints work is to compare them to rel=preload: Where
rel=preload's effects are often observable and easily measurable, Priority
Hints are much more nuanced. If you don't notice any difference when using
them, it could be for any number of reasons, including, but not limited to:
Resource priorities help to make sure critical resources get to the browser
before non-critical ones. But that only helps in environments where resource
download is a bottleneck. That happens when you're using HTTP/1.X, where the
number of connections the browser has open is limiting the amount of resources
you can download for each round-trip-time. This also happens when using HTTP/2,
but mainly in bandwidth constrained environments. High bandwidth HTTP/2
connections are less likely to benefit from better resource prioritization.
HTTP/2 servers and their prioritization implementations are… not always
perfect. Pat Meenan wrote about common
hurdles in such
implementations and how to fix them. Andy
Davies has run a few tests to see which CDNs
and services are getting it
But generally, if you see that HTTP/2 prioritization is not having the impact
you expect it to have, make sure that your server is handling it right.
The browser either ignored the hint you gave it, or you attempted to set a
priority for a resource that would have been the same as the browser's original
A good way to approach using Priority Hints is that it's a fine-tuning
optimization technique that should come later in your performance improvement
plan rather than sooner. If you haven't looked at other techniques like image
optimization, code splitting, rel=preload, and so forth, do those things
first and consider Priority Hints later.
Priority Hints are experimental
The Priority Hints implementation is, like your favorite website from 1996:
under construction. The API shape and functionality is not yet set in stone.
Given this reality, you need to be aware that the behavior of Priority Hints
and their impact could change over time. If you plan to experiment with them,
you probably want to keep track of the feature and its implementation
evolution. At the same time, as Priority Hints is a performance optimization,
those modifications should not cause breaking changes, but may render what
you're trying to use Priority Hints for less effective.
Try them out!
Starting from Chrome 73, Priority Hints are going to an Origin Trial. That
means that you can register your
domain and have
the feature turned on for your users for the next two releases of Chrome.
We would love you to take the feature out for a spin, try it to improve your
site's performance, and report back the results. We want to get a better
understanding of the real world benefits of shipping what we have now, despite
the caveats mentioned above, before potentially iterating over the feature a
bit more.
So please, if you love speeding up websites and want to try to make them
faster while helping us improve the feature, take Priority Hints out for a
spin, and let us know how it went!
We've created a new experimental API that aims to prevent DOM-Based Cross
Site Scripting in modern web applications.
Cross-Site Scripting
Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
is the most prevalent vulnerability affecting web applications. We see this
reflected both in
our own data,
throughout the industry.
Practice shows that maintaining an XSS-free application is still a difficult
challenge, especially if the application is complex. While solutions for
preventing server-side XSS are well known,
DOM-based Cross-Site Scripting
(DOM XSS) is a growing problem. For example, in
Google's Vulnerability Reward Program DOM XSS is already the
most common variant.
Why is that? We think it's caused by two separate issues:
XSS is easy to introduce
DOM XSS occurs when one of injection sinks in DOM or other browser APIs is
called with user-controlled data. For example, consider this snippet that
intends to load a stylesheet for a given UI template the application uses:
This code introduces DOM XSS by linking the attacker-controlled source
(location.hash) with the injection sink (innerHTML). The attacker can
exploit this bug by tricking their victim into visiting the following URL:
It's easy to make this mistake in code, especially if the code changes often.
For example, maybe templateId was once generated and validated on the server,
so this value used to be trustworthy? When assigning to innerHTML, all we know
is that the value is a string, but should it be trusted? Where does it really
come from?
Additionally, the problem is not limited to just innerHTML. In a typical
browser environment, there are over 60 sink functions or properties that require
this caution. The DOM API is insecure by default and requires special
treatment to prevent XSS.
XSS is difficult to detect
The code above is just an example, so it's trivial to see the bug. In practice,
the sources and the sinks are often accessed in completely different application
parts. The data from the source is passed around, and eventually reaches the
sink. There are some functions that sanitize and verify the data. But was the
right function called?
Looking at the source code alone, it's difficult to know if it introduces a DOM
XSS. It's not enough to grep the .js files for sensitive patterns. For one,
the sensitive functions are often used through various wrappers and real-world
vulnerabilities look more like
Sometimes it's not even possible to tell if a codebase is vulnerable by only
looking at it.
obj[prop] = templateID
If obj points to the Location object, and prop value is "href", this is
very likely a DOM XSS, but one can only find that out when executing the code.
As any part of your application can potentially hit a DOM sink, all of the code
should undergo a manual security review to be sure - and the reviewer has to be
extra careful to spot the bug. That's unlikely to happen.
Trusted Types
Trusted Types is the new browser
API that might help address the above problems at the root cause - and in
practice help obliterate DOM XSS.
Trusted Types allow you to lock down the dangerous injection sinks - they stop
being insecure by default, and cannot be called with strings. You can enable
this enforcement by setting a special value in the
Content Security Policy
HTTP response header:
Content-Security-Policy: trusted-types *
Then, in the document you can no longer use strings with the injection sinks:
To interact with those functions, you create special typed objects - Trusted
Types. Those objects can be created only by certain functions in your
application called Trusted Type Policies. The exemplary code "fixed" with
Trusted Types would look like this:
const templatePolicy = TrustedTypes.createPolicy('template', {
createHTML: (templateId) => {
const tpl = templateId;
if (/^[0-9a-z-]$/.test(tpl)) {
return `<link rel="stylesheet" href="./templates/${tpl}/style.css">`;
throw new TypeError();
const html = templatePolicy.createHTML(location.hash.match(/tplid=([^;&]*)/)[1]);
// html instanceof TrustedHTML
document.head.innerHTML += html;
Here, we create a template policy that verifies the passed template ID
parameter and creates the resulting HTML. The policy object create* function
calls into a respective user-defined function, and wraps the result in a Trusted
Type object. In this case, templatePolicy.createHTML calls the provided templateId
validation function, and returns a TrustedHTML with the <link ...> snippet.
The browser allows TrustedHTML to be used with an injection sink that expects
HTML - like innerHTML.
It might seem that the only improvement is in adding the following check:
if (/^[0-9a-z-]$/.test(tpl)) { /* allow the tplId */ }
Indeed, this line is necessary to fix XSS. However, the real change is more
profound. With Trusted Types enforcement, the only code that could introduce a
DOM XSS vulnerability is the code of the policies. No other code can produce a
value that the sink functions accept. As such, only the policies need to be
reviewed for security issues. In our example, it doesn't really matter where the
templateId value comes from, as the policy makes sure it's correctly validated
first - the output of this particular policy does not introduce XSS.
Limiting policies
Did you notice the * value that we used in the Content-Security-Policy
header? It indicates that the application can create arbitrary number of
policies, provided each of them has a unique name. If applications can freely
create a large number of policies, preventing DOM XSS in practice would be
However, we can further limit this by specifying a whitelist of policy names
like so:
Content-Security-Policy: trusted-types template
This assures that only a single policy with a name template can be created.
That policy is then easy to identify in a source code, and can be effectively
reviewed. With this, we can be certain that the application is free from DOM
XSS. Nice job!
In practice, modern web applications need only a small number of policies. The
rule of thumb is to create a policy where the client-side code produces HTML or
URLs - in script loaders, HTML templating libraries or HTML sanitizers. All the
numerous dependencies that do not interact with the DOM, do not need the
policies. Trusted Types assures that they can't be the cause of the XSS.
Get started
This is just a short overview of the API. We are working on providing more code
examples, guides and documentation on how to migrate applications to Trusted
Types. We feel this is the right moment for the web developer community to start
experimenting with it.
To get this new behavior on your site, you need to be
signed up for the
"Trusted Types" Origin Trial (in Chrome 73 through 76). If you just want to try
it out locally, starting from Chrome 73 the experiment can be enabled on the
command line:
Alternatively, visit chrome://flags/#enable-experimental-web-platform-features
and enable the feature. All of those options enable the feature globally in
Chrome for the current session.
We have also created a polyfill that
enables you to test Trusted Types in other browsers.
As always, let us know what you think. You can reach us on the
trusted-types Google
group or file issues on GitHub.
For the full details, check out the
Intersection Observer docs on MDN,
but as a short reminder, this is what the Intersection Observer v1 API looks like in the most
basic case:
const onIntersection = (entries) => {
for (const entry of entries) {
if (entry.isIntersecting) {
const observer = new IntersectionObserver(onIntersection);
What's challenging with Intersection Observer v1?
To be clear, Intersection Observer v1 is great, but it's not perfect. There are
some corner cases where the API falls short. Let's have a closer look!
The Intersection Observer v1 API can perfectly tell you when an element is scrolled into the
window's viewport, but it doesn't tell you whether the element is covered
by any other page content (that is, when the element is occluded) or whether
the element's visual display has been modified by visual effects like transform, opacity,
filter, etc., which effectively can make it invisible.
Now while for an element in the top-level document this information can be determined by analyzing
the DOM via JavaScript, for example via
and then digging deeper, the same information cannot be obtained if the element in question is
located in a third-party iframe.
Why is actual visibility such a big deal?
The Internet is, unfortunately, a place that attracts bad actors with even worse intentions.
For example, a shady publisher that serves pay-per-click ads on a content site might be incentivized
to trick people into clicking their ads to increase the publisher's ad payout (at least
for a short period, until the ad network catches them).
Typically, such ads are served in iframes.
Now if the publisher wanted to get users to click such ads, they could make the ad iframes
completely transparent by applying a CSS rule iframe { opacity: 0; } and overlaying the iframes
on top of something attractive, like a cute cat video that users would actually want to click.
This is called clickjacking.
You can see such a clickjacking attack in action in the upper section of this
demo (try "watching" the 🐈 cat video
and ☑️ activate "trick mode").
You will notice that the ad in the iframe "thinks" it received legitimate clicks, even if it was
completely transparent when you (pretendedly involuntarily) clicked it.
How does Intersection Observer v2 fix this?
Intersection Observer v2 introduces the concept of tracking the actual "visibility" of a target
element as a human being would define it.
By setting an option in the
IntersectionObserver constructor,
(pardon the wrong plural ending here) will then contain a new boolean field named isVisible.
A true value for isVisible is a strong guarantee from the underlying implementation
that the target element is completely unoccluded by other content
and has no visual effects applied that would alter or distort its display on screen.
In contrast, a false value means that the implementation cannot make that guarantee.
An important detail of the
is that the implementation is permitted to report false negatives (that is, setting isVisible
to false even when the target element is completely visible and unmodified).
For performance or other reasons, implementations should limit themselves to working with bounding
boxes and rectilinear geometry; they shouldn't try to achieve pixel-perfect results for
modifications like border-radius.
That said, false positives are not permitted under any circumstances (that is, setting
isVisible to true when the target element is not completely visible and unmodified).
Warning: Visibility is much more expensive to compute than intersection. For that reason,
Intersection Observer v2 is not intended to be used broadly in the way that
Intersection Observer v1 is. Intersection Observer v2 is focused on combatting fraud
and should be used only when Intersection Observer v1 functionality is truly insufficient.
What does the new code look like in practice?
The IntersectionObserver constructor now takes two additional configuration properties: delay
and trackVisibility.
The delay is a number indicating the minimum delay in milliseconds between notifications from
the observer for a given target.
The trackVisibility is a boolean indicating whether the observer will track changes in a target's
⚠️ It's important to note here that when trackVisibility is true, delay is required to be at
least 100 (that is, no more than one notification every 100ms).
As noted before, visibility is expensive to calculate, and this requirement is a precaution against
performance degradation (and battery consumption). The responsible developer will use the
largest tolerable value for delay.
According to the current
spec, visibility is
calculated as follows:
If the observer's trackVisibility attribute is false, then the target is considered visible.
This corresponds to the current v1 behavior.
If the target has an effective transformation matrix other than a 2D translation
or proportional 2D upscaling, then the target is considered invisible.
If the target, or any element in its containing block chain, has an effective opacity other than
1.0, then the target is considered invisible.
If the target, or any element in its containing block chain, has any filters applied,
then the target is considered invisible.
If the implementation cannot guarantee that the target is completely unoccluded by other page
content, then the target is considered invisible.
This means current implementations are pretty conservative with guaranteeing visibility.
For example, applying an almost unnoticeable grayscale filter like filter: grayscale(0.01%)
or setting an almost invisible transparency with opacity: 0.99 would all render the element
Below is a short code sample that illustrates the new API features. You can see this click tracking
logic in action in the second section of the demo
(but now, try "watching" the 🐶 puppy video). Be sure to activate "trick mode" again to immediately
convert yourself into a shady publisher and see how Intersection Observer v2 prevents
non-legitimate ad clicks from being tracked.
This time, Intersection Observer v2 has our back! 🎉
Note: Different from typical lazy-loading code, if you use Intersection Observer to prevent this
kind of clickjacking attacks, you must notunobserve the element after the first intersection.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<!-- This is the ad running in the iframe -->
<button id="callToActionButton">Buy now!</button>
// This is code running in the iframe.
// The iframe must be visible for at least 800ms prior to an input event
// for the input event to be considered valid.
const minimumVisibleDuration = 800;
// Keep track of when the button transitioned to a visible state.
let visibleSince = 0;
const button = document.querySelector('#callToActionButton');
button.addEventListener('click', (event) => {
if ((visibleSince > 0) &&
( - visibleSince >= minimumVisibleDuration)) {
} else {
const observer = new IntersectionObserver((changes) => {
for (const change of changes) {
// ⚠️ Feature detection
if (typeof change.isVisible === 'undefined') {
// The browser doesn't support Intersection Observer v2, falling back to v1 behavior.
change.isVisible = true;
if (change.isIntersecting && change.isVisible) {
visibleSince = change.time;
} else {
visibleSince = 0;
}, {
threshold: [1.0],
// 🆕 Track the actual visibility of the element
trackVisibility: true,
// 🆕 Set a minimum delay between notifications
delay: 100
// Require that the entire iframe be visible.
On the Chrome team, we are exploring a new back/forward cache to cache pages in-memory (preserving JavaScript & DOM state) when the user navigates away. This is definitely not a trivial endeavor but if it succeeds it will make navigating back and forthvery fast.
A back/forward cache (bfcache) caches whole pages (including the JavaScript heap) when navigating away from a page, so that the full state of the page can be restored when the user navigates back. Think of it as pausing a page when you leave it and playing it when you return.
Below is a first-look of an early prototype of back/forward cache in action on desktop:
We also have a preview of the back/forward cache working on Chrome for Android:
We estimate this change could improve performance up to 19% of all navigations for mobile Chrome. You can find more detail about this feature in the bfcache explainer.
There is medium cross-browser interop risk with this change. Both Firefox and Safari already have back-forward cache implementations that are subtly different. Chrome is opting not to use WebKit’s implementation of bfcache due to incompatibility with Chrome’s multiprocess architecture.
Our formal intent-to-implement for the back-forward cache is on blink-dev for anyone wishing to contribute to the discussions.
Thanks to Arthur Sonzogni, Alexander Timin, Kenji Baheux and Sami for their help putting together our prototype videos.
Welcome to the first installment of a monthly wrap up which we look back what's been happening in
Web Developer Ecosystem team✨
We are a team of engineers and communicators who produce articles and code samples such as this
website web fundamentals and our brand new portal You can also
catch our work over on our YouTube Channel, and
don't forget to follow us on @ChormiumDev :)
February is a short month but we are certainly not short on content. Let's start with big releases
from the team.
Hot off the press,
Workbox 4.0 was released just a few
days ago.🎉 This release includes great new features like workbox-window and improvements to many
of the existing workbox packages. For those of you who are already using workbox, check out the
v3 to v4 migration guide.
Wondering how you can use Workbox in your existing project? Here is a guide to
use them with bundlers of your choice.
Not sure what problem workbox helps to solve? Check out this
interview on service workers over on
the State of the Web show.
With the release of Chrome 72,
Trusted Web Activity (TWA)
have entered to the market! TWAs let you have full screen Chrome inside of an Android Activity,
which means you can bring your web content into app-sphere📱 Check out this
getting started guide or read on how @svenbudak put their
PWA on Google Play Store!
What's coming next
With Chrome 73 stable release on the horizon (March 12),
we have lots of exciting features to cover!
V8 - Chrome's JavaScript engine has a bunch of updates including Object.fromEntries and
String.prototype.matchAll. Check out the v8 release note.
Working with audio and video on the web? Hardware media keys support is here and "Skip Ad" in
Picture-in-Picture window is now in origin trial! Check out
Audio/Video Updates in Chrome 73 for more.
Speaking of origin trial, get ready for Priority Hints with
Priority Hints, developers can set the importance of a <script>, <img>, or <link> element
to give the browser how to load them. It is still an experimental feature, so please do try out and
send feedback!
Rendering performance is always on top of our mind. In Chrome 73 wheel and mousewheel listeners
registered on root targets (window, document, or body) will be
passive listeners by default, providing fast
wheel scrolling by default.
As we say hello to new features, we also have to say goodbye, so be sure to check
deprecations and removals for Chrome 73 as well!
New development
Here are a few more things we've been working on that will hit a browser near you.
To help prevent Cross-Site Scripting, we are developing a new API called Trusted Types.
Opting into trusted-types (via Content Security Policy) will lock down the document from DOM
injection. We are working on providing more code examples and guides on this, but in the meanwhile
please read more about Trusted Types to try it out.
Hitting back and forward button on Chrome may soon be really fast! We are exploring a new
back/forward cache to cache pages in-memory when the user navigates away. Check out
the explainer and a prototype of bfcache in this post.
Lastly, Intersection observer v2 introduces the
idea of tracking the actual "visibility" of a target.
What we are tinkering with
Our work does not end at browser features! We also look at web application performance, build web
apps, and think about different ways to help web developers everywhere.
Here are some of the things we've been tinkering with this month.
Have you seen Puppeteer Examples?
You might have seen it from Eric Bidelman's tweet "📯The 12 Days of Puppeteer 🤹🏻♂️🎁"
last year. It's an awesome collection of Puppeteer code samples that let you think creatively
about what you can do with the browser. You should check them out!
How did you like the first monthly wrap up? If you enjoyed it or have ideas to improve it,
please do let me know on twitter @kosamari ✅
If you've built something new using features introduced here or changed something in your codebase
based on our articles, be sure to let us know at @ChromiumDev.
In March, a few of us are off to India hoping to learn more about mobile web experience there ✈️
Looking forward to sharing what we learn there!
If you're on Mac or Windows, consider using Chrome Canary as your default
development browser. Canary gives you access to the latest DevTools features.
Note: Canary is released as soon as its built, without testing. This means that Canary
breaks about once-a-month. It's usually fixed within a day. You can go back to using Chrome
Stable while Canary is broken.
Move Ya! Or maybe, don't, if the user prefers-reduced-motion!
tl;dr: Not everyone likes decorative animations or transitions, and some users outright
experience motion sickness when faced with parallax scrolling, zooming effects, etc.
Chrome (as of Canary 74) now supports a user preference media query prefers-reduced-motion
that lets you design a motion-reduced variant of your site for users who have expressed this
Too much motion in real life and on the web
The other day, I was ice skating with my kids. It was a lovely day, the sun was shining, and the ice
rink was crammed with people ⛸. The only issue with that: I don't cope with crowds well. With so
many moving targets, I fail to focus on anything, and end up lost and with a feeling of complete
visual overload, almost like staring at an anthill 🐜.
Figure 1: Visual overload in real life.
Occasionally, the same can happen on the web: with flashing ads, fancy parallax effects, surprising
reveal animations, autoplaying videos, etc., the web sometimes can honestly be quite
overwhelming… Happily, unlike in real life, there is a solution to that. The CSS media query
prefers-reduced-motion lets developers create a variant of a page for users who, well, prefer
reduced motion. This can comprise anything from refraining from having autoplaying videos to
disabling certain purely decorative effects, to completely redesigning a page for certain users.
Before I dive into the feature, let's take one step back and think of what animations are used for
on the web. If you want, you can also skip the background information and
jump right into the technical details below.
Animation on the web
Animation is oftentimes used to provide feedback to the user, for example, to let them know that
an action was received and is being processed. More concretely, on a shopping website, a product
could be animated to "fly" into a virtual shopping cart, depicted as an icon in the top-right corner
of the site.
Another use case involves using motion to
hack user perception
by using a mixture of skeleton screens, contextual metadata, and low quality image previews to
occupy a lot of the user's time and make the whole experience feel faster.
The idea is to give context to the user of what's coming and meanwhile load in things as quickly as
Finally, there are decorative effects like animated gradients, parallax scrolling,
background videos, and several others.
While many users enjoy such animations, some users dislike
them because they feel distracted or slowed down from them. In the worst case, users may even suffer
from motion sickness as if it were a real life experience, so for these users reducing animations is
a medical necessity.
Motion-triggered vestibular spectrum disorder
Some users experience distraction or nausea from animated content. For example, if scrolling a page
causes elements to move other than the essential movement associated with scrolling—as with parallax
scrolling, where backgrounds move at a different rate to foregrounds—it can trigger vestibular
disorders. Vestibular (inner ear) disorder reactions include dizziness, nausea and headaches. The
impact of animation on people with vestibular disorders
can be quite severe. Triggered reactions include nausea, migraine headaches, and potentially needing
bed rest to recover.
Remove motion on operating systems
Operating systems like Android, iOS, macOS, or Windows in their accessibility settings have allowed
users for a long time to reduce motion wherever possible. The screenshots below show Android Pie's
"remove animations" preference and macOS Mojave's "reduce motion" preference that, when checked,
cause the particular operating systems to not use decorative effects like app launching animations.
Applications themselves can and should honor this setting, too, and remove all unnecessary
Figure 2: Prefers reduced motion settings in Android and macOS.
Remove motion on the web
Media Queries Level 5
brings this user preference to the web as well. Media queries allow authors to test and query values
or features of the user agent or display device, independent of the document being rendered.
The media query
is used to detect if the user has requested the system minimize the amount of animation or motion it
uses. It can take two possible values:
no-preference: Indicates that the user has made no preference known to the system.
This keyword value evaluates as false in the boolean context.
reduce: Indicates that the user has notified the system that they prefer an interface that
minimizes the amount of movement or animation, preferably to the point where all non-essential
movement is removed.
Working with the media query
Note: prefers-reduced-motion is available as of Chrome Canary 74. For other browsers, let me
refer you to the Can I use tables.
As all media queries, prefers-reduced-motion can be checked from a CSS context and from a
JavaScript context.
To illustrate both, let's say I have an important sign-up button that I want the user to click.
I could define an attention-catching "vibrate" animation, but as a good web citizen only play it for
those users who are explicitly OK with animations, but not everyone else, which can be users who
have opted out of animations, or users on browsers that don't understand the media query.
If the user has expressed their preference for
reduced motion, then don't use animations on buttons.
@media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) {
button {
animation: none;
If the browser understands the media query and the user
explicitly hasn't set a preference, then use animations on buttons.
@media (prefers-reduced-motion: no-preference) {
button {
/* `vibrate` keyframes are defined elsewhere */
animation: vibrate 0.3s linear infinite both;
Note: If you have a lot of animation-related CSS, you can spare your opted-out users from
downloading it by outsourcing all animation-related CSS into a separate stylesheet that you only
load conditionally via the media attribute on the link element 😎: <link rel="stylesheet" href="animations.css" media="(prefers-reduced-motion: no-preference)">
To illustrate how to work with prefers-reduced-motion with JavaScript, let's imagine I have
defined a complex animation with the
Web Animations API. While
CSS rules will be dynamically triggered by the browser when the user preference changes, for
JavaScript animations I have to listen for changes myself, and then manually stop my potentially
in-flight animations (or restart them if the user lets me):
Note: The parentheses around the actual media query are obligatory: /* 🚫 Wrong */ window.matchMedia('prefers-reduced-motion: reduce')
You always have to use this syntax: /* ✅ Correct */ window.matchMedia('(prefers-reduced-motion: reduce)')
I have created a little demo based on Rogério Vicente's amazing
🐈 HTTP status cats. First, take a moment to appreciate the joke, it's
hilarious and I'll wait. Now that you're back, let me introduce the
demo. When you scroll down, each HTTP status cat
alternatingly appears from either the right or the left side. It's a buttery smooth 60fps animation,
but as outlined above, some users may dislike it or event get motion sick by it, so the demo is
programmed to respect prefers-reduced-motion. This even works dynamically, so users can change
their preference on-the-fly, no reload required. If a user prefers reduced motion, the non-necessary
reveal animations are gone, and just the regular scrolling motion is left. The screencast below
shows the demo in action:
Not every site will use prefers-reduced-motion, or maybe not consequently enough for your taste.
If you, for whatever reason, want to stop motion on all websites, you actually can. One way to make
this happen is to inject a stylesheet with the following CSS into every web page you visit.
There are several
browser extensions
out there (use at your own risk!) that allow for this.
The way this works is that the CSS above overrides the durations of all animations and transitions
to such a short time that they are not noticeable anymore. As some websites depend on an animation
to be run in order to work correctly (maybe because a certain step depends on the firing of the
animationend event),
the more radical animation: none !important; approach wouldn't work. Even the above hack is not
guaranteed to succeed on all websites (for example, it can't stop motion that was initiated via the
Web Animations API),
so be sure to deactivate it when you notice breakage.
Respecting user preferences is key for modern websites, and browsers expose more and more features
to enable web developers to do so. The CSS Working Group are currently standardizing more
user preference media queries
(detects if the user prefers reduced transparency),
(detects if the user has requested the system increase or decrease the amount of
contrast between adjacent colors),
(detects if the user prefers a light or
dark color scheme), and
(detects if the user prefers inverted colors).
👀 Watch this space, we will definitely let you know once they launch in Chrome!
Browser vendors and web performance experts have been saying for the better part
of the last decade that localStorage is
and web developers should stop using it.
To be fair, the people saying this are not wrong. localStorage is a
synchronous API that blocks the main thread, and any time you access it you
potentially prevent your page from being interactive.
The problem is the localStorage API is just so temptingly simple, and the only
asynchronous alternative to localStorage is
which (let's face it) is not known for its ease of use or welcoming API.
So developers are left with a choice between something hard to use and something
bad for performance. And while there are libraries that offer the simplicity
of the localStorage API while actually using asynchronous storage APIs under
the hood, including one of those libraries in your app has a file-size cost and
can eat into your performance
But what if it were possible to get the performance of an asynchronous storage
API with the simplicity of the localStorage API, without having to pay the
file size cost?
Well, now there is. Chrome is experimenting with a new feature called built-in
modules, and the
first one we're planning to ship is an asynchronous key/value storage module
called KV Storage
But before I get into the details of the KV Storage module, let me explain
what I mean by built-in modules.
What are built-in modules?
Built-in modules
are just like regular JavaScript
except that they don't have to be downloaded because they ship with the browser.
Like traditional web APIs, built-in modules must go through a standardization
process and have well-defined specifications, but unlike traditional web APIs,
they're not exposed on the global scope—they're only available via
Not exposing built-in modules globally has a lot of advantages: they won't add
any overhead to starting up a new JavaScript runtime context (e.g. a new tab,
worker, or service worker), and they won't consume any memory or CPU unless
they're actually imported. Furthermore, they don't run the risk of naming
collisions with other variables defined in your code.
Unlike Map, all KV Storage methods return either
promises or
async iterators (since the
main point of this module is it's not synchronous, in contrast to
localStorage). To see the full API in detail, you can refer to the
As you may have noticed from the code example above, the KV Storage module has
two named exports: storage and StorageArea.
storage is an instance of the StorageArea class with the name 'default',
and it's what developers will use most often in their application code. The
StorageArea class is provided for cases where additional isolation is needed
(e.g. a third-party library that stores data and wants to avoid conflicts with
data stored via the default storage instance). StorageArea data is stored in
an IndexedDB database with the name kv-storage:${name}, where name is the name
of the StorageArea instance.
Here's an example of how to use the KV Storage module in your code:
What if a browser doesn't support a built-in module?
If you're familiar with using native JavaScript modules in browsers, you
probably know that (at least up until now) importing anything other than a URL
will generate an error. And std:kv-storage is not a valid URL.
So that raises the question: do we have to wait until all browsers support
built-in module before we can use it in our code?
Thankfully, the answer is no! You can actually use built-in modules in your
code today, with the help of another new feature called
import maps.
Import maps
Import maps are essentially a mechanism
by which developers can alias import identifiers to one or more alternate
This is powerful because it gives you a way to change (at runtime) how a
browser resolves a particular import identifier across your entire application.
In the case of built-in modules, this allows you to reference a polyfill of the
module in your application code, but a browser that supports the built-in module
can load that version instead!
Here's how you would declare an import map to make this work with the KV Storage
<!-- The import map is inlined into your page -->
<script type="importmap">
"imports": {
"/path/to/kv-storage-polyfill.mjs": [
<!-- Then any module scripts with import statements use the above map -->
<script type="module">
import {storage} from '/path/to/kv-storage-polyfill.mjs';
// Use `storage` ...
The key point in the above code is the URL /path/to/kv-storage-polyfill.mjs
is being mapped to two different resources: std:kv-storage and then the
original URL again, /path/to/kv-storage-polyfill.mjs.
So when the browser encounters an import statement referencing that URL
(/path/to/kv-storage-polyfill.mjs), it first tries to load std:kv-storage,
and if it can't then it falls back to loading
Again, the magic here is that the browser doesn't need to support import maps
_or_ built-in modules for this technique to work since the URL being passed to
the import statement is the URL for the polyfill. The polyfill is not actually a
fallback, it's the default. The built-in module is a progressive enhancement!
What about browsers that don't support modules at all?
In order to use import maps to conditionally load built-in modules, you have to
actually use import statements, which also means you have to use module
scripts, i.e.
<script type="module">.
Currently, more than 80% of browsers support
modules, and for browsers that don't,
you can use the module/nomodule
to serve a legacy bundle to older browsers. Note that when generating your
nomodule build, you'll need to include all polyfills because you know for sure
that browsers that don't support modules will definitely not support built-in
KV Storage demo
To illustrate that it's possible to use built-in modules today while still
supporting older browsers, I've put together a
that incorporates all the techniques described above:
Browsers that support modules, import maps, and the built-in module do not
load any unneeded code.
Browsers that support modules and import maps but do not support the built-in
module load the KV Storage
polyfill (via the
browser's module loader).
Browsers that support modules but do not support import maps also load the
KV Storage polyfill (via the browser's module loader)
Browsers that do not support modules at all get the KV Storage polyfill in
their legacy bundle (loaded via <script nomodule>).
The demo is hosted on Glitch, so you can view its
I also have a detailed explanation of the implementation in the
Feel free to take a look if you're curious to see how it's built.
In order to actually see the native built-in module in action, you have to load
the demo in Chrome 74 (currently Chrome Dev or Canary) with the experimental web
platform features flag turned on
You can verify that the built-in module is being loaded because you won't see
the polyfill script in the source panel in DevTools; instead you'll see the
built-in module version (fun fact: you can actually inspect the module's source
code or even put breakpoints in it!):
Please give us feedback
This introduction should have given you a taste of what's possible with built-in
modules. And hopefully you're excited! We'd really love for developers to try
out the KV Storage module (as well as all the new features discussed here) and
give us feedback.
Here are the GitHub links where you can give us feedback for each of the
features mentioned in this article:
If your site currently uses localStorage, you should try switching to the KV
Storage API, and if you sign up for the KV Storage origin
trial, you can
actually deploy your changes today! All your users should benefit from better
performance, and Chrome 74+ users won't have to pay any extra download cost.
Support for Progressive Web Apps arrives for on Mac, bringing support for
PWAs to all desktop and mobile platforms, making it easy
to create installable apps, delivered through the web.
Progressive Web Apps provide an installable, app-like experience, built and
delivered directly via the web. In Chrome 73, we’ve added support for macOS,
bringing support for
Progressive Web Apps to all desktop platforms -
Mac, Windows, Chrome OS and Linux, as well as mobile, simplifying web app
A Progressive Web App is fast, and reliably so; always loading and performing
at the same speed, regardless of network connection. They provide rich,
engaging experiences via modern web features that take full advantage of the
device capabilities.
Users can install your PWA from Chrome’s context menu, or you can directly
promote the installation experience using the
beforeinstallprompt event. Once
installed, a PWA integrates with the OS to behave like a native application:
users find and launch them from the same place as other apps, they run in
their own window, they appear in the task switcher, their icons can show
notification badging, and so on.
We want to close the close the capability gap
between the web and native to provide a solid foundation for modern
applications delivered on the web. We’re working to add new web platform
capabilities that give you access to things like the
file system,
wake lock, adding an
ambient badge to the address bar
to let users know your PWA can be installed, policy installation for enterprises,
and plenty more.
If you’re already building a mobile PWA, a desktop PWA is no different. In fact,
if you’ve used responsive design, you’re likely good to go already. Your single
codebase will work across desktop and mobile. If you’re just starting out with
PWAs, you’ll be surprised at how easy it is to create them!
Signed HTTP Exchanges (SGX), part of an emerging technology called
Web Packages is now available in Chrome 73.
A Signed HTTP Exchange makes it possible to create “portable” content that can
be delivered by other parties, and this is the key aspect, it retains the
integrity and attribution of the original site.
This decouples the origin of the content from the server that delivers it,
but because it’s signed, it’s like it’s being delivered from your server.
When the browser loads this Signed Exchange, it can safely show your URL in the
address bar because the signature in the exchange indicates the content
originally came from your origin.
Signed HTTP exchanges enables faster content delivery for users, making it
possible to get the benefits of a CDN without having to cede control of your
certificate’s private key. The AMP team is planning to use signed HTTP
exchanges on Google search result pages to improve AMP URLs and speed up clicks
on search results.
Constructable Stylesheets, new in Chrome 73, gives us a new way to create and
distribute reusable styles, which is particularly important when using
Shadow DOM.
It’s always been possible to create stylesheets using JavaScript. Create a
<style> element using document.createElement('style'). Then access its
sheet property to obtain a reference to the underlying CSSStyleSheet instance,
and set the style.
Using this method tends to lead to style sheet bloat. Even worse, it causes a
flash of unstyled content. Constructable Stylesheets make it possible to define
and prepare shared CSS styles, and then apply those styles to multiple Shadow
Roots or the Document easily and without duplication.
Updates to a shared CSSStyleSheet are applied to all roots where it’s been
adopted, and adopting a stylesheet is fast and synchronous once the sheet has
been loaded.
Getting started is simple, create a new instance of CSSStyleSheet, then use
either replace or replaceSync to update the stylesheet rules.
const sheet = new CSSStyleSheet();
// replace all styles synchronously:
sheet.replaceSync('a { color: red; }');
// this throws an exception:
try {
sheet.replaceSync('@import url("styles.css")');
} catch (err) {
console.error(err); // imports are not allowed
// replace all styles, allowing external resources:
sheet.replace('@import url("styles.css")')
.then(sheet => {
console.log('Styles loaded successfully');
.catch(err => {
console.error('Failed to load:', err);
These are just a few of the changes in Chrome 73 for developers, of course,
there’s plenty more.
matchAll(), is a new
regular expression matching method on the string prototype, and returns an
array containing the complete matches.
The <link> element now supports imagesrcset and imagesizes properties
to correspond to srcset and sizes attributes of HTMLImageElement.
Blink's shadow blur radius implementation, now matches Firefox and Safari.
Dark mode is now supported on Mac, and Windows support is on the way.
Want to stay up to date with our videos, then subscribe
to our Chrome Developers YouTube channel,
and you’ll get an email notification whenever we launch a new video, or add our
RSS feed to your feed reader.
I’m Pete LePage, and as soon as Chrome 74 is released, I’ll be right
here to tell you -- what’s new in Chrome!
The PaymentAddress.languageCode property has been removed from the Payment
Request API. This property is the browser's best guess for the language of the
text in the shipping, billing, delivery, or pickup address in the Payment
Request API. The languageCode property is marked at risk in the specification
and has already been removed from Firefox and Safari. Usage in Chrome is small
enough for safe removal.
Pages may no longer use to open a new page during unload. The
Chrome popup blocker already prohibited this, but now it is prohibited whether
or not the popup blocker is enabled.
Chrome will soon prevent downloads in sandboxed iframes that lack a user
gesture, though this restriction could be lifted via an
allow-downloads-without-user-activation keyword in the sandbox attribute list.
This allows content providers to restrict malicious or abusive downloads.
Downloads can bring security vulnerabilities to a system. Even though
additional security checks are done in Chrome and the operating system, we feel
blocking downloads in sandboxed iframes also fits the general thought behind
the sandbox. Apart from security concerns, it would be a more pleasant user
experience for a click to trigger a download on the same page, compared with
downloads starting automatically when a user lands on a new page, or started
non-spontaneously after the click.
The Chromium Chronicle: Task Scheduling Best Practices
The Chrome team is proud to introduce the Chromium Chronicle, a monthly
series geared specifically to Chromium developers, developers who build the
The Chromium Chronicle will primarily focus on spreading technical knowledge
and best practices to write, build, and test Chrome. Our plan is to feature
topics that are relevant and useful to Chromium developers, such as code
health, helpful tools, unit testing, accessibility and much more! Each article
will be written and edited by Chrome engineers.
We are excited about this new series, and hope you are too! Ready to dive in?
Take a look at our first episode below!
Task Scheduling Best Practices
Episode 1: April 2019
by Gabriel Charette in Montréal
Chrome code that needs in-process asynchronous execution typically posts tasks
to sequences. Sequences are chrome-managed “virtual threads” and are
preferred to creating your own thread. How does an object
know which sequence to post to?
The old paradigm is to receive a SequencedTaskRunner from the creator:
This is easier to read and write as all the information is local and there’s
no risk of inter-dependency with unrelated tasks.
This paradigm is also better when it comes to testing. Instead of injecting
task runners manually, tests can instantiate a controlled task environment
to manage Foo’s tasks:
class FooTest : public testing::Test {
base::test::ScopedTaskEnvironment task_environment_;
Foo foo_;
Having ScopedTaskEnvironment first in the fixture naturally ensures it
manages the task environment throughout Foo’s lifetime. The ScopedTaskEnvironment
will capture Foo’s request-on-construction to create a SequencedTaskRunner and
will manage its tasks under each FooTest.
To test the result of asynchronous execution, use the RunLoop::Run()+QuitClosure()
This is preferred to RunUntilIdle(), which can be flaky if the asynchronous
workload involves a task outside of the ScopedTaskEnvironment’s purview,
e.g. a system event, so use RunUntilIdle() with care.