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Using Trusted Web Activities


Using Trusted Web Activities

Last updated: February 6th, 2019

Trusted Web Activities are a new way to integrate your web-app content such as your PWA with your Android app using a protocol based on Custom Tabs.

Note: Trusted Web Activities are available in Chrome on Android, version 72 and above.

Looking for the code?

There are a few things that make Trusted Web Activities different from other ways to integrate web content with your app:

  1. Content in a Trusted Web activity is trusted -- the app and the site it opens are expected to come from the same developer. (This is verified using Digital Asset Links.)
  2. Trusted Web activities come from the web: they're rendered by the user's browser, in exactly the same way as a user would see it in their browser except they are run fullscreen. Web content should be accessible and useful in the browser first.
  3. Browsers are also updated independent of Android and your app -- Chrome, for example, is available back to Android Jelly Bean. That saves on APK size and ensures you can use a modern web runtime. (Note that since Lollipop, WebView has also been updated independent of Android, but there are a significant number of pre-Lollipop Android users.)
  4. The host app doesn't have direct access to web content in a Trusted Web activity or any other kind of web state, like cookies and localStorage. Nevertheless, you can coordinate with the web content by passing data to and from the page in URLs (e.g. through query parameters, custom HTTP headers, and intent URIs.)
  5. Transitions between web and native content are between activities. Each activity (i.e. screen) of your app is either completely provided by the web, or by an Android activity

To make it easier to test, there are currently no qualifications for content opened in the preview of Trusted Web activities. You can expect, however, that Trusted Web activities will need to meet the same Add to Home Screen requirements. You can audit your site for these requirements using the Lighthouse "user can be prompted to Add to Home screen" audit.

Today, if the user's version of Chrome doesn't support Trusted Web activities, Chrome will fall back to a simple toolbar using a Custom Tab. It is also possible for other browsers to implement the same protocol that Trusted Web activities use. While the host app has the final say on what browser gets opened, we recommend the same policy as for Custom Tabs: use the user's default browser, so long as that browser provides the required capabilities.

Getting started

Setting up a Trusted Web Activity (TWA) doesn’t require developers to author Java code, but Android Studio is required. This guide was created using Android Studio 3.3. Check the docs on how to install it.

Create a Trusted Web Activity Project

When using Trusted Web Activities, the project must target API 16 or higher.

Note: This section will guide you on setting up a new project on Android Studio. If you are already familiar with the tool feel free to skip to the Getting the TWA Library section.

Open Android Studio and click on Start a new Android Studio project.

Android Studio will prompt to choose an Activity type. Since TWAs use an Activity provided by support library, choose Add No Activity and click Next.

Next step, the wizard will prompt for configurations for the project. Here's a short description of each field:

  • Name: The name that will be used for your application on the Android Launcher.
  • Package Name: An unique identifier for Android Applications on the Play Store and on Android devices. Check the documentation for more information on requirements and best practices for creating package names for Android apps.
  • Save location: Where Android Studio will create the project in the file system.
  • Language: The project doesn't require writing any Java or Kotlin code. Select Java, as the default.
  • Minimum API Level: The Support Library requires at least API Level 16. Select API 16 any version above.

Leave the remaining checkboxes unchecked, as we will not be using Instant Apps or AndroidX artifacts, and click Finish.

Get the TWA Support Library

To setup the TWA library in the project you will need to edit a couple of files. Look for the Gradle Scripts section in the Project Navigator. Both files are called build.gradle, which may be a bit confusing, but the descriptions in parenthesis help identifying the correct one.

The first file is the Project level build.gradle. Look for the one with your project name next to it.

Add the Jitpack configuration (in bold below) to the list of repositories. Under the allprojects section:

allprojects {
   repositories {
       maven { url "https://jitpack.io" }

Android Studio will prompt to synchronize the project. Click on the Sync Now link.

Note: The support library for Trusted Web Activities will be part of Jetpack in the future, and the previous step won’t be required anymore.

The second file we need to change is the Module level build.gradle.

The Trusted Web Activities library uses Java 8 features and the first change enables Java 8. Add a compileOptions section to the bottom of the android section, as below:

android {
    compileOptions {
       sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
       targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8

The next step will add the TWA Support Library to the project. Add a new dependency to the dependencies section:

dependencies {
   implementation 'com.github.GoogleChrome.custom-tabs-client:customtabs:3a71a75c9f'

Android Studio will show prompt asking to synchronize the project once more. Click on the Sync Now link and synchronize it.

Add the TWA Activity

Setting up the TWA Activity is achieved by editing the Android App Manifest.

On the Project Navigator, expand the app section, followed by the manifests and double click on AndroidManifest.xml to open the file.

Since we asked Android Studio not to add any Activity to our project when creating it, the manifest is empty and contains only the application tag.

Add the TWA Activity by inserting an activity tag into the application tag:

<manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"


           <!-- Edit android:value to change the url opened by the TWA -->
               android:value="https://airhorner.com" />

           <!-- This intent-filter adds the TWA to the Android Launcher -->
               <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
               <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />

             This intent-filter allows the TWA to handle Intents to open
               <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW"/>
               <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
               <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE"/>

               <!-- Edit android:host to handle links to the target URL-->

The tags added to the XML are standard Android App Manifest. There are two relevant pieces of information for the context of Trusted Web Activities:

  1. The meta-data tag tells the TWA Activity which URL it should open. Change the android:value attribute with the URL of the PWA you want to open. In this example, it is https://airhorner.com.
  2. The second intent-filter tag allows the TWA to intercept Android Intents that open https://airhorner.com. The android:host attribute inside the data tag must point to the domain being opened by the TWA.

Note: When running the project at this stage, the URL Bar from Custom Tabs will still show on the top of the screen. This is not a bug.

The next section will show how to setup Digital AssetLinks to verify relationship between the website and the app, and remove the URL bar.

Remove the URL bar

Trusted Web Activities require an association between the Android application and the website to be established to remove the URL bar.

This association is created via Digital Asset Links and the association must be established in both ways, linking from the app to the website and from the website to the app.

It is possible to setup the app to website validation and setup Chrome to skip the website to app validation, for debugging purposes.

Establish an association from app to the website

Open the string resources file app > res > values > strings.xml and add the Digital AssetLinks statement below:

    <string name="app_name">AirHorner TWA</string>
    <string name="asset_statements">
            \"relation\": [\"delegate_permission/common.handle_all_urls\"],
            \"target\": {
                \"namespace\": \"web\",
                \"site\": \"https://airhorner.com\"}

Change the contents for the site attribute to match the schema and domain opened by the TWA.

Back in the Android App Manifest file, AndroidManifest.xml, link to the statement by adding a new meta-data tag, but this time as a child of the application tag:

<manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"


            android:resource="@string/asset_statements" />



We have now established a relationship from the Android application to the website. It is helpful to debug this part of the relationship without creating the website to application validation.

Here’s how to test this on a development device:

Enable debug mode

  1. Open Chrome on the development device, navigate to chrome://flags, search for an item called Enable command line on non-rooted devices and change it to ENABLED and then restart the browser.
  2. Next, on the Terminal application of your operating system, use the Android Debug Bridge (installed with Android Studio), and run the following command:
adb shell "echo '_ --disable-digital-asset-link-verification-for-url=\"https://airhorner.com\"' > /data/local/tmp/chrome-command-line"

Close Chrome and re-launch your application from Android Studio. The application should now be shown in full-screen.

Note: It may needed to force close Chrome so it restarts with the correct command line. Go to Android Settings > Apps & notifications > Chrome, and click on Force stop.

Establish an association from the website to the app

There are 2 pieces of information that the developer needs to collect from the app in order to create the association:

  • Package Name: The first information is the package name for the app. This is the same package name generated when creating the app. It can also be found inside the Module build.gradle, under Gradle Scripts > build.gradle (Module: app), and is the value of the applicationId attribute.
  • SHA-256 Fingerprint: Android applications must be signed in order to be uploaded to the Play Store. The same signature is used to establish the connection between the website and the app through the SHA-256 fingerprint of the upload key.

The Android documentation explains in detail how to generate a key using Android Studio. Make sure to take note the path, alias and passwords for the key store, as you will need it for the next step.

Extract the SHA-256 fingerprint using the keytool, with the following command:

keytool -list -v -keystore  -alias  -storepass  -keypass 

The value for the SHA-256 fingerprint is printed under the Certificate fingerprints section. Here’s an example output:

keytool -list -v -keystore ./mykeystore.ks -alias test -storepass password -keypass password

Alias name: key0
Creation date: 28 Jan 2019
Entry type: PrivateKeyEntry
Certificate chain length: 1
Owner: CN=Test Test, OU=Test, O=Test, L=London, ST=London, C=GB
Issuer: CN=Test Test, OU=Test, O=Test, L=London, ST=London, C=GB
Serial number: ea67d3d
Valid from: Mon Jan 28 14:58:00 GMT 2019 until: Fri Jan 22 14:58:00 GMT 2044
Certificate fingerprints:
     SHA1: 38:03:D6:95:91:7C:9C:EE:4A:A0:58:43:A7:43:A5:D2:76:52:EF:9B
     SHA256: F5:08:9F:8A:D4:C8:4A:15:6D:0A:B1:3F:61:96:BE:C7:87:8C:DE:05:59:92:B2:A3:2D:05:05:A5:62:A5:2F:34
Signature algorithm name: SHA256withRSA
Subject Public Key Algorithm: 2048-bit RSA key
Version: 3

With both pieces of information at hand, head over to the assetlinks generator, fill-in the fields and hit Generate Statement. Copy the generated statement and serve it from your domain, from the URL /.well-known/assetlinks.json.

Note: The AssetLinks file must be under /.well-known/assetlinks.json, at the root of the domain, as that's only the place Chrome will look for it.

Wrapping Up

With the assetlinks file in place in your domain and the asset_statements tag configured in the Android application, the next step is generating a signed app. Again, the steps for this are widely documented.

The output APK can be installed into a test device, using adb:

adb install app-release.apk

If the verification step fails it is possible to check for error messages using the Android Debug Bridge, from your OS’s terminal and with the test device connected.

adb logcat | grep -e OriginVerifier -e digital_asset_links

With the upload APK generated, you can now upload the app to the Play Store.

We are looking forward to see what developers build with Trusted Web Activities. To drop any feedback, reach out to us at @ChromiumDev.

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